from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import warnings
from import Sequence
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
import dill
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import liesel.goose as gs
import liesel.model as lsl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd
from jax.scipy.special import logsumexp
from liesel.goose.builder import EngineBuilder
from liesel.goose.kernel import Kernel
from liesel.goose.nuts import NUTSKernel
from .bsplines import ExtrapBSplineApprox
from .custom_types import Array, KeyArray
from .inverse_fn import approximate_inverse
from .liesel_internal import splines
from .nodes import (
from .sampling import optimize_parameters, summarise_by_quantiles, summarise_by_samples
kn = splines.create_equidistant_knots
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ShapePrior(Enum):
Used to define the prior for the shape parameters of the transformation function.
RANDOM_WALK = auto()
"""First order random walk prior."""
RIDGE = auto()
"""Ridge prior, which means an i.i.d. normal prior."""
def _scaled_normalization_and_deriv(
unscaled_normalization_and_deriv: tuple[Array, Array], norm_mean, norm_sd
) -> tuple[Array, Array]:
) = unscaled_normalization_and_deriv
scaled_normalization = (unscaled_normalization - norm_mean) / norm_sd
scaled_normalization_deriv = unscaled_normalization_deriv / norm_sd
return scaled_normalization, scaled_normalization_deriv
def _centered_normalization_and_deriv(
unscaled_normalization_and_deriv: tuple[Array, Array], norm_mean, norm_sd
) -> tuple[Array, Array]:
) = unscaled_normalization_and_deriv
scaled_normalization = unscaled_normalization - norm_mean
scaled_normalization_deriv = unscaled_normalization_deriv
return scaled_normalization, scaled_normalization_deriv
class Normalization:
def __init__(
knots: Array,
standardized_response: Array,
tau2: lsl.Var,
transition_width: float = 0.3,
scale_after_transformation: bool = True,
scaling_factor: SymmetricallyBoundedScalar | None = None,
shape_param_prior: ShapePrior = ShapePrior.RANDOM_WALK,
) -> None:
self.dknots = jnp.diff(knots).mean()
self.tau2 = tau2
self.approx_bspline = ExtrapBSplineApprox(knots, order=3, eps=transition_width)
self.basis_dot_and_deriv_fn = (
self.nshape = self.approx_bspline.basis.shape[-1] - 1
if shape_param_prior == ShapePrior.RANDOM_WALK:
self.shape_param = PSplineCoef(
self.nshape, tau2=self.tau2, diff=1, name="normalization_shape"
elif shape_param_prior == ShapePrior.RIDGE:
self.shape_param = NormalCoef(
self.nshape, tau2=self.tau2, name="normalization_shape"
if scaling_factor is None:
self.scaling_factor = lsl.Data(1.0, _name="normalization_scaling_factor")
self.scaling_factor_supplied = False
self.scaling_factor = scaling_factor
self.scaling_factor_supplied = True
if scale_after_transformation:
scale_after_transformation = False
"Scaling factor supplied - turning scaling after transformation"
" off."
self.coef = lsl.Calc(
lambda shape, dknots, scaling_factor: scaling_factor
* normalization_coef(shape, dknots),
self.unscaled_normalization_and_deriv = lsl.Calc(
self.norm_mean = lsl.Calc(
lambda x: jnp.mean(x[0]),
self.norm_sd = lsl.Calc(
lambda x: jnp.std(x[0]),
if scale_after_transformation:
self.scaling_fn = _scaled_normalization_and_deriv
self.scaling_fn = _centered_normalization_and_deriv
self.scaled_normalization_and_deriv = lsl.Calc(
self.scaled_normalization = lsl.Calc(
lambda x: x[0],
self.scaled_normalization_deriv = lsl.Calc(
lambda x: x[1],
self._nuts_params = [self.shape_param.transformed_name]
self._hyper_parameters = []
self._parameters = [self.shape_param.transformed_name]
tau2_param = find_param(self.tau2)
if tau2_param is not None:
if scaling_factor is not None:
scaling_factor_param = find_param(self.scaling_factor)
if scaling_factor_param is not None:
self.mean_and_sd_names = [,]
self.mcmc_kernels: list[Kernel] = []
def nuts_params(self) -> list[str]:
"nuts_param is deprecated. Use `parameters` and `hyper_parameters`"
" instead.",
return self._nuts_params
def parameters(self) -> list[str]:
return self._parameters
def hyper_parameters(self) -> list[str]:
return self._hyper_parameters
def predict_normalization_and_deriv(
self, samples: dict[str, Array], standardized_response: Array
) -> tuple[Array, Array]:
shape_param = self.shape_param.shape_calc.predict(samples)
coef = normalization_coef(shape_param, self.dknots)
if self.scaling_factor_supplied:
scaling_factor = jnp.expand_dims(self.scaling_factor.predict(samples), -1)
coef *= scaling_factor
norm_mean = jnp.expand_dims(samples[], -1)
norm_sd = jnp.expand_dims(samples[], -1)
unscaled_normalization_and_deriv = self.basis_dot_and_deriv_fn(
standardized_response, coef
scaled_normalization_and_deriv = self.scaling_fn(
unscaled_normalization_and_deriv, norm_mean, norm_sd
return scaled_normalization_and_deriv
class NormalizationFn:
def __init__(
knots: Array,
order: int = 3,
transition_width: float = 0.3,
self.approx_bspline = ExtrapBSplineApprox(
knots, order=order, eps=transition_width
self.basis_dot_and_deriv_fn = (
@partial(jnp.vectorize, excluded=[0], signature="(n),(p),(1),(1)->(n)")
def __call__(
self, y: Array, coef: Array, norm_mean: float, norm_sd: float
) -> Array:
smooth, _ = self.basis_dot_and_deriv_fn(y, coef)
return (smooth - norm_mean) / norm_sd
@partial(jnp.vectorize, excluded=[0], signature="(n),(p),(1)->(n)")
def deriv(self, y: Array, coef: Array, norm_sd: float) -> Array:
_, deriv = self.basis_dot_and_deriv_fn(y, coef)
return deriv / norm_sd
def _find_y_lo(
min_z: float | Array,
coef: Array,
norm_mean: float,
norm_sd: float,
) -> Array:
y_lo = self.approx_bspline.min_knot
left_shift = jnp.array(0.1)
min_zgrid = jnp.min(
self(jnp.atleast_1d(y_lo - left_shift), coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
def _cond_fun_l(val):
_, min_zgrid = val
return jnp.squeeze(min_zgrid >= min_z)
def _body_fun_l(val):
left_shift, min_zgrid = val
left_shift = left_shift + 0.5
min_zgrid = jnp.min(
self(jnp.atleast_1d(y_lo - left_shift), coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
return left_shift, min_zgrid
# while _cond_fun_l((left_shift, min_zgrid)):
# left_shift, min_zgrid = _body_fun_l((left_shift, min_zgrid))
left_shift, _ = jax.lax.while_loop(
_cond_fun_l, _body_fun_l, (left_shift, min_zgrid)
return y_lo - left_shift
def _find_y_hi(
max_z: float | Array,
coef: Array,
norm_mean: float,
norm_sd: float,
) -> Array:
y_hi = self.approx_bspline.max_knot
right_shift = jnp.array(0.1)
max_zgrid = jnp.max(
self(jnp.atleast_1d(y_hi + right_shift), coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
def _cond_fun_r(val):
_, max_zgrid = val
return jnp.squeeze(max_zgrid <= max_z)
def _body_fun_r(val):
right_shift, max_zgrid = val
right_shift = right_shift + 0.5
max_zgrid = jnp.max(
self(jnp.atleast_1d(y_hi + right_shift), coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
return right_shift, max_zgrid
# while _cond_fun_r((right_shift, max_zgrid)):
# right_shift, max_zgrid = _body_fun_r((right_shift, max_zgrid))
right_shift, _ = jax.lax.while_loop(
_cond_fun_r, _body_fun_r, (right_shift, max_zgrid)
return y_hi + right_shift
@partial(jnp.vectorize, excluded=[0, 1, 2, 6], signature="(p),(1),(1)->(n),(n)")
def _find_grid(
y_lo: float | Array,
y_hi: float | Array,
coef: Array,
norm_mean: float,
norm_sd: float,
ngrid: int = 200,
) -> tuple[Array, Array]:
Finds a grid of y values such that h(y) covers the range of z values.
ygrid = jnp.linspace(y_lo, y_hi, ngrid)
zgrid = self(ygrid, coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
return ygrid, zgrid
def inverse(
self, z: Array, coef: Array, norm_mean: Array, norm_sd: Array, ngrid: int = 200
) -> Array:
The number of grid points to use for the approximation in each sub-interval
of length 1. The total number of grid points will be
``ngrid * (int(max_z - min_z) + 1)``.
min_z, max_z = jnp.min(z), jnp.max(z)
y_lo = self._find_y_lo(min_z, coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
y_hi = self._find_y_hi(max_z, coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
ngrid = int((jnp.array(y_hi - y_lo, int) + 1) * ngrid)
ygrid, zgrid = self._find_grid(y_lo, y_hi, coef, norm_mean, norm_sd, ngrid)
y_approx = approximate_inverse(ygrid, zgrid, z)
return y_approx
def _extract_position(
position_keys: list[str], graph: lsl.Model, state: gs.ModelState
) -> dict[str, Array]:
position = {}
for key in position_keys:
name = graph.nodes[key].name
position[name] = state[name].value
except KeyError:
name = graph.vars[key]
position[name] = state[name].value
return position
def _update_state(position: dict[str, Array], graph: lsl.Model) -> lsl.Model:
graph.auto_update = False
for node in graph.nodes.values():
node._outdated = False
for key, value in position.items():
graph.nodes[key].value = value # type: ignore # data node
except KeyError:
graph.vars[key].value = value
graph.auto_update = True
return graph
class LocationIntercept(lsl.Calc):
def __init__(self, y, loc_model, scale_model, _name: str = "") -> None:
super().__init__(self.compute_intercept, y, loc_model, scale_model, _name=_name)
def compute_intercept(y, loc_model, scale_model):
inv_scale_model_mean = 1 / jnp.mean(1 / scale_model)
residual_model_mean = jnp.mean((y - loc_model) / scale_model)
return inv_scale_model_mean * residual_model_mean
class ScaleInterceptExp(lsl.Calc):
def __init__(
self, y, loc_intercept, loc_model, scale_model, _name: str = ""
) -> None:
def compute_intercept(y, loc_intercept, loc_model, scale_model):
return jnp.std((y - loc_intercept - loc_model) / scale_model)
class LocScaleResiduals(lsl.Calc):
def __init__(self, y, loc, scale, _name: str = "") -> None:
super().__init__(self.compute_residuals, y, loc, scale, _name=_name)
def compute_residuals(y, loc, scale):
return (y - loc) / scale
def _sum(*args):
return sum(args)
def _product(a, b):
return a * b
def default_scaling_factor() -> TransformedVar:
prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.TruncatedNormal, loc=1.0, scale=0.1, low=0.01, high=jnp.inf)
scaling_factor = TransformedVar(
return scaling_factor
class PTMLocScale:
Penalized transformation model for location and scale.
The knots used to the define the transformation function.
The observed response variable.
The variance parameter :math:`\\tau^2_\\delta` for the prior of the \
transformation function's shape parameters.
The width of the transition segment of the transformation function. A number \
larger than 0, indicating the length in terms of a multiple of the range of \
interior knots. Called :math:`\\lambda`.
Whether to scale the response variable after the transformation. It is not \
avisable to switch this to ``True``.
The scaling factor :math:`\\omega` for the transformation function. \
If ``None``, the scaling factor will be fixed to one.
The prior distribution for the shape parameter.
def __init__(
knots: Array,
y: Array,
normalization_tau2: lsl.Var,
transition_width: float = 0.3,
scale_after_transformation: bool = False,
scaling_factor: lsl.Var | None = None,
shape_param_prior: ShapePrior = ShapePrior.RANDOM_WALK,
) -> None:
self.knots = knots
"""The knots of the transformation function's spline segment."""
self.transition_width = transition_width
"""The transition width."""
self.loc_model: Predictor = Predictor("loc_model").update()
"""Predictor for the location model part. Does not include an intercept."""
self.log_scale_model: Predictor = Predictor("log_scale_model").update()
"""Predictor for the log scale model part. Does not include an intercept."""
self.scale_model = lsl.Calc(jnp.exp, self.log_scale_model).update()
"""The exponential of :attr:`.log_scale_model`."""
self.normalization_tau2 = normalization_tau2
"""The hyperparameter :math:`\\tau^2_\\delta`."""
self.scale_after_transformation = scale_after_transformation
"""Whether to scale the response variable after the transformation."""
self.scaling_factor = scaling_factor
"""The scaling factor :math:`\\omega` for the transformation function."""
self.shape_param_prior = shape_param_prior
"""The prior distribution for the shape parameter."""
y_data = lsl.Data(y, _name="y_data")
y_data.observed = True
self.loc_intercept = lsl.Var(
LocationIntercept(y_data, self.loc_model, self.scale_model).update(),
"""Intercept :math:`\\beta_0` of the location model part."""
self.scale_intercept_exp = lsl.Var(
y_data, self.loc_intercept, self.loc_model, self.scale_model
Exponential of the intercept :math:`\exp(\gamma_0)` of the scale model part.
self.loc = lsl.Var(
lsl.Calc(_sum, self.loc_model, self.loc_intercept).update(), name="loc"
"""The response's location, including an intercept."""
self.scale = lsl.Var(
lsl.Calc(_product, self.scale_model, self.scale_intercept_exp).update(),
"""The response's scale, including an intercept."""
self.residuals = lsl.Var(
LocScaleResiduals(y_data, self.loc, self.scale).update(), name="residuals"
"""The residuals."""
self.normalization: Normalization = Normalization(
"""Organizes the transformation model part :math:`h(\\varepsilon`)."""
self.z_deriv = lsl.Calc(
lambda norm_deriv, scale: norm_deriv / scale,
"""Derivative of :math:`h(\\varepsilon)` with respect to the response."""
self.z = self.normalization.scaled_normalization
"""Variable for the transformation model part :math:`h(\\varepsilon`)."""
self.refdist = tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
The reference distribution, currently fixed to the standard normal distribution.
response_dist = TransformationDist(self.z, self.z_deriv, refdist=self.refdist)
self.response = lsl.obs(y, response_dist, name="response").update()
"""Response variable."""
self.intercept_names = [,]
"""Names of the intercept nodes."""
def from_nparam(
y: Array,
nparam: int,
knots_lo: float = -3.0,
knots_hi: float = 3.0,
transition_width: float = 0.3,
normalization_tau2: lsl.Var | None = None,
scale_after_transformation: bool = False,
scaling_factor: lsl.Var | None = None,
shape_param_prior: ShapePrior = ShapePrior.RANDOM_WALK,
) -> PTMLocScale:
Initializes a penalized transformation model automatically from the desired
number of shape parameters.
The observed response variable.
The number of parameters in the spline segment of the transformation \
function. Called :math:`J` in the paper.
knots_lo, knots_hi
Lower and upper boundary knot, used to define an equidistant knot grid
for the transformation function.
The width of the transition segment of the transformation function. A number \
larger than 0, indicating the length in terms of a multiple of the range of \
interior knots. Called :math:`\\lambda`.
Whether to scale the transformed residuals.
The scaling factor :math:`\\omega` for the transformation function. \
If ``None``, the scaling factor will be fixed to one.
The prior distribution for the shape parameter.
knots = kn(np.array([knots_lo, knots_hi]), order=3, n_params=nparam)
if normalization_tau2 is None:
normalization_tau2 = VarHalfCauchy(
10.0, scale=25.0, name="normalization_tau2"
model = cls(
return model
def _pkl_knots(self, path: str):
"""For testing."""
with open(path, "wb") as f:
dill.dump(self.knots, f)
def _from_knots(
cls, knots_path: str, y: Array, transition_width: float = 0.3
) -> PTMLocScale:
"""For testing."""
with open(knots_path, "rb") as f:
knots = dill.load(f)
normalization_tau2 = VarHalfCauchy(10.0, scale=25.0, name="normalization_tau2")
return cls(knots, y, normalization_tau2, transition_width=transition_width)
def new_from_graph(
self, graph: lsl.Model, knot_prob_levels: tuple[float, float] = (0.01, 0.99)
) -> PTMLocScale:
Given a Liesel model graph, this creates a new :class:`.PTMLocScale` with
updated knots.
The liesel model graph to base the new model on.
At which probability levels of the observed residuals in ``graph`` should
the new minimum and maximum knots be placed.
A new model instance with updated knots. All prior and hyperprior specifications
for the transformation and the location and scale terms are copied from
the original model.
residuals = graph.state[f"{}_value"].value
min_z = np.quantile(residuals, knot_prob_levels[0])
max_z = np.quantile(residuals, knot_prob_levels[1])
nparam = self.normalization.nshape + 1
model = PTMLocScale.from_nparam(
for term in self.loc_model.terms.values():
model.loc_model += term
for term in self.log_scale_model.terms.values():
model.log_scale_model += term
return model
def optimize_knots(
optimize_params: list[list[str]] | None = None,
maxiter: int = 10_000,
knot_prob_levels: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 1.0),
) -> tuple[PTMLocScale, dict[str, Array]]:
Finds good knots for the transformation function.
This function runs stochastic gradient descent on the location and scale
model parts while fixing the transformation function to a straight line.
This yields a preliminary set of residuals, which are then used to define
the new knots for the transformation function's spline segment.
The parameters to optimize. If not specified, uses the parameters of the\
location and scale models, but not their hyperparameters. \
Do not include the\
normalization parameters here. The values supplied here should be lists of\
strings. Each string should be the name of a parameter in the model. Each\
list is a group of parameters that should be optimized together while\
holding the remaining parameters of the model fixed.
Additional argument to pass to the optimizer :func:`.optmize_parameters`.
At which probability levels of the observed residuals in ``graph`` should
the new minimum and maximum knots be placed.
Additional arguments to pass to the optimizer :func:`.optmize_parameters`.
A tuple. The first element is a new instance of :class:`.PTMLocScale` with
improved knots. The second element is a position dictionary, holding the
final parameter values from the initial optimization for possible further
graph = lsl.GraphBuilder().add(self.response).build_model()
if optimize_params is None:
params = self.loc_model.parameters + self.log_scale_model.parameters
optimize_params = [params]
position: dict[str, Array] = {}
for params in optimize_params:"Optimizing {len(params)} parameters.")
results = optimize_parameters(graph, params, maxiter=maxiter, **optim_args)
graph.state = results.model_state"Finished optimization after {results.iteration} iterations.")
position |= _extract_position(params, graph, results.model_state)
new_model = self.new_from_graph(graph, knot_prob_levels=knot_prob_levels)
return new_model, position
def build_graph(
optimize_params: list[list[str]] | None = None,
position: dict[str, Array] | None = None,
optimize_start_values: bool = True,
optimize_normalization: bool = True,
maxiter: int = 10_000,
) -> lsl.Model:
Builds the model graph.
The parameters to optimize. If not specified, all parameters are optimized.
The values supplied here should be lists of
strings. Each string should be the name of a parameter in the model. Each
list is a group of parameters that should be optimized together while
holding the remaining parameters of the model fixed.
Dictionary of model parameter names and values to use as starting values.\
Values of parameters included in the position will not be included\
in pre-optimization.
Whether to optimize the start values of the model using stochastic gradient\
Whether to include the shape parameters in the optimizaiton of start values.
maxiter, **optim_args
Additional arguments to pass to the optimizer :func:`.optmize_parameter`.
position = position if position is not None else {}
gb = lsl.GraphBuilder().add(self.response)
graph = gb.build_model()
graph = _update_state(position, graph)
if not optimize_start_values:
return graph
if optimize_params is None:
params = [] # type: ignore
params = self.loc_model.parameters + self.log_scale_model.parameters
if optimize_normalization:
params += self.normalization.parameters # type: ignore
optimize_params = [params]
i = 1
for param in optimize_params:"Optimizing parameter block #{i} (len={len(param)}).")
results = optimize_parameters(graph, param, maxiter=maxiter, **optim_args)
graph.state = results.model_state"Finished optimization after {results.iteration} iterations.")
i += 1
return graph
def setup_engine_builder(
eb: EngineBuilder,
graph: lsl.Model | None = None,
sample_normalization: bool = True,
) -> EngineBuilder:
Prepares a ``liesel.goose.EngineBuilder`` for MCMC sampling.
This method sets the model, the initial values, and defines the MCMC kernels
for the model parameters. You still need to specify the warmup and posterior
graph = graph if graph is not None else self.build_graph()
loc_terms = self.loc_model.terms.values()
scale_terms = self.log_scale_model.terms.values()
for term in chain(loc_terms, scale_terms):
for kernel in term.mcmc_kernels:
if sample_normalization:
for kernel in self.normalization.mcmc_kernels:
eb.positions_included = self.intercept_names
eb.positions_included += self.normalization.mean_and_sd_names
return eb
def waic(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> pd.DataFrame:
Assembles a ``pd.DataFrame`` that gives information on the widely applicable
information criterion for this model.
The column ``n_warning`` indicates the number of samples for which the variance
of the log predictive density is greater than 0.4.
pred = PTMLocScalePredictions(samples, self)
log_prob = pred.predict_log_prob()
return waic(log_prob)
def all_sampled_parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
params = (
+ self.normalization.hyper_parameters
+ self.loc_model.parameters
+ self.loc_model.hyper_parameters
+ self.log_scale_model.parameters
+ self.log_scale_model.hyper_parameters
return params
def all_parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
params = (
+ self.normalization.hyper_parameters
+ self.intercept_names
+ self.normalization.mean_and_sd_names
+ self.loc_model.parameters
+ self.loc_model.hyper_parameters
+ self.log_scale_model.parameters
+ self.log_scale_model.hyper_parameters
return params
def state_to_samples(
position_keys: Sequence[str],
graph: lsl.Model,
expand_axes: Sequence[int] | None = (0, 1),
) -> dict[str, Array]:
Given a list of position keys (variable and node anmes) and a model graph
represented by a :class:`liesel.model.Model`, this function
constructs a samples dictionary.
position = gs.LieselInterface(graph).extract_position(position_keys, graph.state)
def axes(x):
return np.expand_dims(x, expand_axes) if expand_axes is not None else x
samples = {name: axes(value) for name, value in position.items()}
return samples
def waic(log_prob_samples: Array) -> pd.DataFrame:
Summarises the widely applicable information criterion for an array of log
likelihood samples.
assert len(log_prob_samples.shape) == 3
nsamples = log_prob_samples.shape[0] * log_prob_samples.shape[1]
nobs = log_prob_samples.shape[-1]
waic_lppd_i = logsumexp(log_prob_samples, axis=(0, 1)) - jnp.log(nsamples)
waic_p_i = jnp.var(log_prob_samples, axis=(0, 1))
waic_elpd_i = waic_lppd_i - waic_p_i
waic_se = jnp.std(waic_elpd_i) * jnp.sqrt(nobs)
waic_p = waic_p_i.sum()
waic_lppd = waic_lppd_i.sum()
waic_elpd = waic_lppd - waic_p
waic_deviance = -2 * waic_elpd
n_var_greater_4 = jnp.sum(jnp.var(waic_lppd_i) > 4)
waic_df = pd.DataFrame(
"waic_lppd": waic_lppd,
"waic_elpd": waic_elpd,
"waic_se": waic_se,
"waic_p": waic_p,
"waic_deviance": waic_deviance,
"n_warning": n_var_greater_4,
return waic_df
class PTMLocScalePredictions:
Posterior predictions for a penalized transformation model.
Dictionary of posterior samples.
The model object.
Response observations to use in predictions. If ``None``(default), the observed
values are extracted from the model object.
Values to use for all terms in the location and scale model parts. Must have
appropriate shapes. For terms that are not explicitly specified, the observed
values are extracted from the model object.
def __init__(
samples: dict[str, Array],
model: PTMLocScale,
y: Array | None = None,
) -> None:
self.samples = samples
"""The posterior samples."""
self.model = model
"""The model object."""
self.kwargs = self._set_kwargs(**kwargs)
self.y = y if y is not None else model.response.value
self.loc_intercept = samples[]
self.scale_intercept_exp = samples[]
self.norm_mean = samples[]
self.norm_std = samples[]
self._loc_model: None | Array = None
self._scale_model: None | Array = None
self._residuals: None | Array = None
self._normalization_and_deriv: None | tuple[Array, Array] = None
self._z_deriv: None | Array = None
self._log_prob: None | Array = None
self._cdf: None | Array = None
self._pdf: None | Array = None
def _set_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
for key in self.model.loc_model.terms.keys():
if key not in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = None
for key in self.model.log_scale_model.terms.keys():
if key not in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = None
for key, value in kwargs.items():
loc_key = key in self.model.loc_model.terms
scale_key = key in self.model.log_scale_model.terms
if not loc_key and not scale_key:
raise ValueError(f"Key {key} not found in loc or scale model.")
if value is not None:
kwargs[key] = jnp.atleast_1d(value)
if value is None:
loc_term = self.model.loc_model.terms.get(key, None)
scale_term = self.model.log_scale_model.terms.get(key, None)
term = loc_term if loc_term is not None else scale_term
kwargs[key] = term.observed_value
return kwargs
def predict_loc(self) -> Array:
"""Predicts the location."""
if self._loc_model is None:
self._loc_model = self.model.loc_model.predict(self.samples, **self.kwargs)
return self._loc_model + jnp.expand_dims(self.loc_intercept, -1)
def predict_scale(self) -> Array:
"""Predicts the location."""
if self._scale_model is None:
log_scale = self.model.log_scale_model.predict(self.samples, **self.kwargs)
self._scale_model = np.exp(log_scale)
return self._scale_model * jnp.expand_dims(self.scale_intercept_exp, -1)
def predict_residuals(self) -> Array:
"""Predicts the residuals."""
if self._residuals is None:
loc = self.predict_loc()
scale = self.predict_scale()
self._residuals = (self.y - loc) / scale
return self._residuals
def predict_normalization_and_deriv(self) -> tuple[Array, Array]:
Predicts the transformed residuals and the derivative of the normalization.
This derivative does *not* account for the scale model part.
if self._normalization_and_deriv is None:
self._normalization_and_deriv = (
self.samples, self.predict_residuals()
return self._normalization_and_deriv
def predict_normalization_deriv(self) -> Array:
Predicts the derivative of the normalization.
This derivative does *not* account for the scale model part.
return self.predict_normalization_and_deriv()[1]
def predict_z(self) -> Array:
Predicts the transformed residuals.
Alias for :meth:`.predict_transformation`.
return self.predict_normalization_and_deriv()[0]
def predict_z_deriv(self) -> Array:
Predicts the derivative of the transformation.
This derivative *does* account for the scale model part.
Alias for :meth:`.predict_transformation_deriv`.
if self._z_deriv is None:
self._z_deriv = self.predict_normalization_deriv() / self.predict_scale()
if np.any(self._z_deriv <= 0):
smallest_gradient = np.min(self._z_deriv)
n_seq_zero = np.sum(self._z_deriv <= 0)
f"{n_seq_zero} gradient values <= 0 encountered. Smallest gradient:"
f" {smallest_gradient}. This may be just a numerical artifact due to"
" floating point imprecision, but it should be checked."
return self._z_deriv
def predict_log_prob(self) -> Array:
"""Predicts the response's conditional log probability."""
if self._log_prob is not None:
return self._log_prob
z = self.predict_z()
z_deriv = self.predict_z_deriv()
z_deriv = jnp.maximum(z_deriv, 1e-30)
base_log_prob = self.model.refdist.log_prob(z)
log_prob_adjustment = jnp.log(z_deriv)
self._log_prob = jnp.add(base_log_prob, log_prob_adjustment)
return self._log_prob
def predict_cdf(self) -> Array:
"""Predicts the response's conditional cumulative distribution function."""
if self._cdf is not None:
return self._cdf
z = self.predict_z()
self._cdf = self.model.refdist.cdf(z)
return self._cdf
def predict_pdf(self) -> Array:
"""Predicts the response's conditional probability density."""
if self._pdf is not None:
return self._pdf
self._pdf = jnp.exp(self.predict_log_prob())
return self._pdf
def predict_normalization_inverse(self, z: Array) -> Array:
Predicts the inverse of the normalization function.
This does *not* account for the location and scale model parts. It basically
takes a :math:`z` value, following the reference distribution, and turns it
into a residual :math:`\\varepsilon`.
samples = self.samples
shape_param = self.model.normalization.shape_param.shape_calc.predict(samples)
coef = normalization_coef(shape_param, jnp.diff(self.model.knots).mean())
norm_mean = jnp.expand_dims(
samples[], -1
if self.model.scaling_factor is not None:
scaling_factor = jnp.expand_dims(
self.model.scaling_factor.predict(self.samples), -1
coef *= scaling_factor
norm_sd = jnp.ones_like(norm_mean)
elif self.model.scale_after_transformation:
norm_sd = jnp.expand_dims(
samples[], -1
norm_sd = jnp.ones_like(norm_mean)
normalization = NormalizationFn(self.model.knots, order=3)
zt = normalization.inverse(z, coef, norm_mean, norm_sd)
return zt
def predict_quantile(self, p: Array) -> Array:
Predicts the conditional response quantiles at probability level ``p``.
Currently, samples must be of shape (chains, iterations, param_dimension).
The last dimension can be omitted for scalar parameters. Basically, this
function assumes that you enter the samples just like you got them from
The returned value will have the following shape::
[chain, iteration, covariates, len(p)]
z = jnp.atleast_1d(self.model.refdist.quantile(p))
return self.predict_transformation_inverse(z)
def predict_resid_quantile(self, p: Array) -> Array:
Predicts the residual quantiles at probability level ``p``.
z = jnp.atleast_1d(self.model.refdist.quantile(p))
return self.predict_normalization_inverse(z)
def sample(self, key: KeyArray, shape: Sequence[int]) -> Array:
Generates random samples from the posterior predictive distribution.
The returned array will have the following shape::
[chain, iteration, covariates, shape]
samples_shape = self.predict_residuals().shape
q = jax.random.uniform(key, shape=samples_shape[:-1] + shape)
return self.predict_quantile(q)
def summarise_density_by_quantiles(
self, axis: Sequence[int] | int = (0, 1), lo: float = 0.1, hi: float = 0.9
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Returns a summary dataframe to quickly assess the response's conditional
z = self.predict_transformation()
cdf = self.predict_cdf()
pdf = self.predict_pdf()
z_df = summarise_by_quantiles(z, "z", axis=axis, lo=lo, hi=hi)
pdf_df = summarise_by_quantiles(pdf, "pdf", axis=axis, lo=lo, hi=hi)
cdf_df = summarise_by_quantiles(cdf, "cdf", axis=axis, lo=lo, hi=hi)
df = pd.concat([z_df, pdf_df, cdf_df], axis=1)
df["y"] = self.y
for xname, xval in self.kwargs.items():
x_dict = array_to_dict(xval, names_prefix=xname)
for key, value in x_dict.items():
df[key] = np.asarray(np.squeeze(value))
return df
def predict_residual_cdf(
self, residuals: Array | None, axis: Sequence[int] | int = (0, 1)
) -> Array:
"""Evaluates the residual's posterior cumulative distribution function."""
if residuals is None:
residuals = self.predict_residuals().mean(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
z, _ = self.model.normalization.predict_normalization_and_deriv(
self.samples, residuals
return self.model.refdist.cdf(z)
def predict_residual_log_prob(
self, residuals: Array | None, axis: Sequence[int] | int = (0, 1)
) -> Array:
"""Evaluates the residual's posterior log probability function."""
if residuals is None:
residuals = self.predict_residuals().mean(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
z, z_deriv = self.model.normalization.predict_normalization_and_deriv(
self.samples, residuals
z_deriv = jnp.maximum(z_deriv, 1e-30)
base_log_prob = self.model.refdist.log_prob(z)
log_prob_adjustment = jnp.log(z_deriv)
log_prob = jnp.add(base_log_prob, log_prob_adjustment)
return log_prob
def predict_residual_pdf(
self, residuals: Array | None, axis: Sequence[int] | int = (0, 1)
) -> Array:
"""Evaluates the residual's posterior density function."""
return np.exp(self.predict_residual_log_prob(residuals, axis))
def summarise_density_by_samples(
self, key: KeyArray | int, n: int = 100
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Returns a summary dataframe to quickly assess the response's conditional
distribution based on a random sample from the posterior.
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(key) if isinstance(key, int) else key
# draw n random samples from an array of shape [chain, iteration, nobs]
z = self.predict_transformation()
cdf = self.predict_cdf()
pdf = self.predict_pdf()
z_df = summarise_by_samples(key, z, "z", n=n)
cdf_df = summarise_by_samples(key, cdf, "cdf", n=n)
pdf_df = summarise_by_samples(key, pdf, "pdf", n=n)
df = pd.concat([z_df.z, cdf_df.cdf, pdf_df.pdf], axis=1)
df["index"] = z_df.index
df["obs"] = z_df.obs
df["chain"] = z_df.chain
df["sample"] = z_df["sample"]
df["y"] = np.tile(jnp.squeeze(self.y), n)
for xname, xval in self.kwargs.items():
xval = jnp.squeeze(xval)
if jnp.atleast_1d(xval).shape[-1] == 1:
df[xname] = np.asarray(xval)
elif len(xval.shape) > 1:
for k in range(xval.shape[-1]):
df[f"{xname}{k}"] = np.asarray(np.tile(xval[:, k], n))
df[xname] = np.asarray(np.tile(xval, n))
return df