Source code for liesel_ptm.nodes

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from import Callable, Sequence
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import liesel.goose as gs
import liesel.model as lsl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.bijectors as tfb
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd
from liesel.distributions import MultivariateNormalDegenerate
from liesel.goose.kernel import Kernel
from liesel.model.nodes import no_model_setter
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer

from .custom_types import Array, KeyArray, TFPDistribution
from .liesel_internal import splines
from .sampling import summarise_by_quantiles, summarise_by_samples
from .var import Var

bspline_basis = splines.build_design_matrix_b_spline
bspline_basis_d = splines.build_design_matrix_b_spline_derivative
kn = splines.create_equidistant_knots

logger = logging.getLogger("liesel")

class TransformationDist(lsl.Dist):
    """A transformation-distribution node for a conditional transformation model."""

    def __init__(
        transformed_variable: lsl.Calc,
        transformation_derivative: lsl.Calc,
        refdist: TFPDistribution,
        _name: str = "",
        _needs_seed: bool = False,
        super(lsl.Dist, self).__init__(

        self._per_obs = True
        self.refdist = refdist
        self._transformed_variable = transformed_variable
        self._transformation_derivative = transformation_derivative

    def log_prob(self) -> Array:
        """The log-probability of the distribution."""
        return self.value

    def per_obs(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the log-probability is stored per observation or summed up."""
        return self._per_obs

    def per_obs(self, per_obs: bool):
        self._per_obs = per_obs

    def update(self) -> TransformationDist:
        base_log_prob = self.refdist.log_prob(self._transformed_variable.value)
        deriv = self._transformation_derivative.value
        deriv = jnp.maximum(deriv, 1e-30)
        log_prob_adjustment = jnp.log(deriv)
        log_prob = jnp.add(base_log_prob, log_prob_adjustment)

        if not self.per_obs and hasattr(log_prob, "sum"):
            log_prob = log_prob.sum()

        self._value = log_prob
        self._outdated = False
        return self

def model_matrix(*args: Array, intercept: bool = True) -> Array:
    x = np.vstack(args)
    if intercept:
        icol = np.ones(x.shape[1])
        return np.vstack((icol, x)).T
    return x.T

def _matrix(x: Array) -> Array:
    if not np.shape(x):
        x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    elif len(np.shape(x)) == 1:
        x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=1)
    elif len(np.shape(x)) == 2:
        raise ValueError(f"Shape of x is unsupported: {np.shape(x)}")
    return x

def dot(x: Array, coef: Array):
    return x @ coef

def scaled_dot(x: Array, coef: Array, scale: Array):
    return x @ (scale * coef)

@partial(jnp.vectorize, signature="(n,p),(p)->(n,p)")
def elementwise_dot(x: Array, coef: Array):
    return x * coef

class Dot(lsl.Calc):
    A dot product. Assumes that ``x`` is fixed and that ``coef`` is strong.

    def __init__(
        self, x: lsl.Var | lsl.Node, coef: lsl.Var | lsl.Node, _name: str = ""
    ) -> None:
        if not coef.strong:
            raise ValueError("coef must be a strong node.")
        super().__init__(dot, x=x, coef=coef, _name=_name)

    def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None) -> Array:
        x = x if x is not None else self.kwinputs["x"].value
        coef_samples = samples[self.kwinputs["coef"]]
        coef_shape = self.kwinputs["coef"].value.shape
        if coef_shape[0] == 1 and len(coef_samples.shape) < 3:
            coef_samples = np.expand_dims(coef_samples, axis=-1)
        smooth = np.einsum("...pj,...j->...p", _matrix(x), coef_samples)
        return smooth

    def predict_elementwise(
        self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None
    ) -> Array:
        x = x if x is not None else self.kwinputs["x"].value
        coef_samples = samples[self.kwinputs["coef"]]
        return elementwise_dot(_matrix(x), coef_samples)

class IncDot(lsl.Calc):
    A dot product for an increasing spline. Assumes that ``x`` is fixed and that
    ``coef`` is strong.

    def __init__(
        self, x: lsl.Var | lsl.Node, coef: lsl.Var | lsl.Node, _name: str = ""
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(dot, x=x, coef=coef, _name=_name)

    def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None) -> Array:
        x = x if x is not None else self.kwinputs["x"].value

        log_coef_name = self.kwinputs["coef"].var.value_node.inputs[0]
        log_coef_samples = samples[log_coef_name]

        exp_fn = self.kwinputs["coef"].var.value_node.function
        coef_samples = exp_fn(log_coef_samples)

        coef_shape = self.kwinputs["coef"].value.shape
        if coef_shape[0] == 1 and len(coef_samples.shape) < 3:
            coef_samples = np.expand_dims(coef_samples, axis=-1)
        smooth = np.einsum("...pj,...j->...p", _matrix(x), coef_samples)
        return smooth

class ScaledDot(lsl.Calc):
    def __init__(
        x: lsl.Var | lsl.Node,
        coef: lsl.Var | lsl.Node,
        scale: ExpParam,
        _name: str = "",
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(scaled_dot, x=x, coef=coef, scale=scale, _name=_name)
        self.x = x
        self.scale = scale
        self.coef = coef

    def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None) -> Array:
        if not self.coef.strong:
            raise ValueError("To use predict(), coef must be a strong node.")

        coef_samples = samples[]
        coef_samples = np.atleast_3d(coef_samples)

        scale_samples = self.scale.predict(samples)
        scale_samples = np.atleast_3d(scale_samples)

        scaled_coef_samples = scale_samples * coef_samples

        x = x if x is not None else self.x.value
        smooth = np.tensordot(_matrix(x), scaled_coef_samples, axes=([1], [-1]))
        return np.moveaxis(smooth, 0, -1)

class ScaledBasisDot(lsl.Calc):
    def __init__(
        x: lsl.Var | lsl.Node,
        coef: lsl.Var | lsl.Node,
        scale: ExpParam,
        basis_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] | None = None,
        _name: str = "",
    ) -> None:
        if not coef.strong:
            raise ValueError("coef must be a strong node.")
        super().__init__(scaled_dot, x=x, coef=coef, scale=scale, _name=_name)

        self.x = x
        self.scale = scale
        self.coef = coef
        self.basis_fn = lambda x: x

        if basis_fn is not None:
            self.basis_fn = basis_fn
                self.basis_fn = self.kwinputs["x"].var.evaluate
            except AttributeError:

    def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None) -> Array:
        coef_samples = samples[]
        coef_samples = np.atleast_3d(coef_samples)

        scale_samples = self.scale.predict(samples)
        scale_samples = np.atleast_3d(scale_samples)

        scaled_coef_samples = scale_samples * coef_samples
        basis = self.basis_fn(x) if x is not None else self.x.value
        smooth = np.tensordot(basis, scaled_coef_samples, axes=([1], [-1]))
        return np.moveaxis(smooth, 0, -1)

class BasisDot(Dot):
    def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None) -> Array:
        coef_samples = samples[self.kwinputs["coef"]]
        coef_samples = np.atleast_3d(coef_samples)
        basis = self.kwinputs["x"].var.evaluate(x)
        smooth = np.tensordot(basis, coef_samples, axes=([1], [-1]))
        return np.moveaxis(smooth, 0, -1)

[docs] def nullspace_remover(pen: Array) -> Array: """ Constructs a reparameterization matrix fo removing the nullspace from a penalty matrix of a structured additive predictor term. Parameters ---------- pen Penalty matrix. Examples -------- Example usage:: import numpy as np import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd import liesel.model as lsl import liesel_ptm as ptm np.random.seed(2407) x = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=300) nparam = 10 knots =, n_params=nparam) K = ptm.diffpen(nparam, diff=2) Z = ptm.nullspace_remover(K) Kz = Z.T @ K @ Z def basis_fn(x): return ptm.bspline_basis(x, knots, 3) @ Z tau2 = ptm.VarWeibull(10.0, scale=0.05, name="tau2") term = ptm.StructuredAdditiveTerm( x=x, basis_fn=basis_fn, K=Kz, tau2=tau2, name="my_term" ) """ ker = scipy.linalg.null_space(pen) Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(ker, mode="complete") Z = Q[:, ker.shape[-1] :] return Z
[docs] def sumzero_coef(nparam: int) -> Array: """ Matrix ``Z`` for reparameterization for sum-to-zero-constraint of coefficients. The reparameterization matrix returned by this function applies a sum-to-zero constraint on the coefficients of a spline. Parameters ---------- nparam Number of parameters. See Also -------- sumzero_term : Matrix ``Z`` for reparameterization for sum-to-zero-constraint of term. Examples -------- Example usage:: import numpy as np import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd import liesel.model as lsl import liesel_ptm as ptm np.random.seed(2407) x = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=300) nparam = 10 knots =, n_params=nparam) Z = ptm.sumzero_coef(nparam) K = Z.T @ ptm.diffpen(nparam, diff=2) @ Z def basis_fn(x): return ptm.bspline_basis(x, knots, 3) @ Z tau2 = ptm.VarWeibull(10.0, scale=0.05, name="tau2") term = ptm.StructuredAdditiveTerm( x=x, basis_fn=basis_fn, K=K, tau2=tau2, name="my_term" ) """ j = np.ones(shape=(nparam, 1), dtype=np.float32) q, _ = np.linalg.qr(j, mode="complete") return q[:, 1:]
# for backwards-compatibility sumzero = sumzero_coef
[docs] def sumzero_term(basis: Array) -> Array: """ Matrix ``Z`` for reparameterization for sum-to-zero-constraint of a structured additive term. The reparameterization matrix returned by this function applies a sum-to-zero constraint on the evaluations of a spline. Parameters ---------- basis Basis matrix to work on. See Also -------- sumzero_coef : Matrix ``Z`` for reparameterization for sum-to-zero-constraint of coefficients. Examples -------- Example usage:: import numpy as np import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd import liesel.model as lsl import liesel_ptm as ptm np.random.seed(2407) x = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=300) nparam = 10 knots =, n_params=nparam) Z = ptm.sumzero_term(ptm.bspline_basis(x, knots, 3)) K = Z.T @ ptm.diffpen(nparam, diff=2) @ Z def basis_fn(x): return ptm.bspline_basis(x, knots, 3) @ Z tau2 = ptm.VarWeibull(10.0, scale=0.05, name="tau2") term = ptm.StructuredAdditiveTerm( x=x, basis_fn=basis_fn, K=K, tau2=tau2, name="my_term" ) """ nobs = basis.shape[0] j = np.ones(shape=nobs, dtype=np.float32) A = jnp.expand_dims(j @ basis, 0) q, _ = np.linalg.qr(A.T, mode="complete") return q[:, 1:]
def cholesky_ltinv(a: Array) -> Array: L = np.linalg.cholesky(a) return np.linalg.inv(L).T
[docs] def diffpen(ncol: int, diff: int = 2): """A P-spline penalty matrix based on ``diff``-order differences.""" D = np.diff(np.identity(ncol), diff, axis=0) return np.array(D.T @ D, dtype=np.float32)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basis matrices for univariate splines # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class BSplineBasis(lsl.Data): """A design matrix of B-spline basis function evaluations.""" observed = True def __init__( self, knots: Array, value: Array, order: int = 3, centered: bool = False, name: str = "", ) -> None: basis = bspline_basis(value, knots=knots, order=order) self.min = knots[3] self.max = knots[-4] #: The observed values at which the Bspline is evaluated. self.observed_value = value #: Number of parameters associated with this basis matrix. self.nparam = basis.shape[-1] self._reparam_matrix = np.eye(self.nparam, dtype=np.float32) #: Array of knots that were used to create the BasisMatrix. self.knots = knots #: Order of the B-splines used in this basis matrix. self.order = order #: Column means of the uncentered basis matrix, based on :attr:`.observed_value`. self.colmeans = basis.mean(axis=0) #: If ``True``, the column means are subtracted from the basis matrix #: evaluations. Centering also applies to new evaluations computed via # :meth:`.evaluate`. self.centered = centered super().__init__(value=(basis - self.centered * self.colmeans), _name=name) @classmethod def auto( cls, value: Array, nparam: int, order: int = 3, centered: bool = False, name: str = "", ) -> BSplineBasis: knots = kn(value, order=order, n_params=nparam) basis = cls(knots, value, order, centered, name) return basis @classmethod def from_basis( cls, basis: BSplineBasis, value: Array, name: str = "" ) -> BSplineBasis: """ Constructs a new basis matrix based on an existing one. Can be useful if you want the columns of the new basis matrix to be centered according to the input basis. """ new_basis = cls( knots=basis.knots, value=value, order=basis.order, centered=False, name=name ) new_basis.colmeans = basis.colmeans new_basis.value = new_basis.value - ( # type: ignore basis.centered * basis.colmeans ) new_basis.colmeans = basis.colmeans return new_basis @property def reparam_matrix(self) -> Array: """Reparameterisation matrix. Gets set by :meth:`.reparam`.""" return self._reparam_matrix def reparam(self, z: Array) -> BSplineBasis: """ Adds a reparameterisation matrix. Updates the number of parameters, since this number may decrease depending on the reparameterization. """ self._reparam_matrix = self.reparam_matrix @ z self.value = self.value @ z # type: ignore self.nparam = self.value.shape[-1] return self def evaluate(self, value: Array | float | None) -> Array: """ Evaluate the B-spline basis functions with :attr:`.knots` and :attr:`.order` for new values. If the basis has been reparameterized using :meth:`.reparam`, this reparameterization is applied, too. If ``value=None``, evaluate the derivative at :attr:`.observed_value`. """ if value is None: return self.value value = np.atleast_1d(np.array(value, dtype=np.float32)) basis = bspline_basis(value, knots=self.knots, order=self.order) return (basis - self.centered * self.colmeans) @ self.reparam_matrix def deriv(self, value: Array | float | None = None) -> Array: """ Evaluate the derivative of the B-spline basis functions with :attr:`.knots` and :attr:`.order` for new values. If the basis has been reparameterized using :meth:`.reparam`, this reparameterization is applied, too. If ``value=None``, evaluate the derivative at :attr:`.obs_value`. """ value = value if value is not None else self.observed_value value = np.atleast_1d(np.array(value, dtype=np.float32)) basis = bspline_basis_d(value, knots=self.knots, order=self.order) return basis @ self.reparam_matrix class ExpParam(lsl.Var): def __init__(self, value, distribution: lsl.Dist, name: str = "") -> None: InputDist = distribution.distribution inputs = distribution.inputs kwinputs = distribution.kwinputs bijector = tfb.Exp() bijector_inv = tfb.Invert(bijector) def exp_dist(*args, **kwargs): return tfd.TransformedDistribution(InputDist(*args, **kwargs), bijector_inv) dist = lsl.Dist( exp_dist, *inputs, **kwinputs,, _needs_seed=distribution.needs_seed, ) self.log_var = lsl.Var( bijector.inverse(value), dist, name=f"{name}_transformed" ) self.log_var.parameter = True super().__init__(lsl.Calc(bijector.forward, self.log_var), name=name) self.value_node.monitor = True self.update() def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: samps = samples[] return self.value_node.function(samps) class Term(lsl.Group): @abstractmethod def predict(self, samples, x: Array | None) -> Array: ... @abstractproperty def value(self) -> lsl.Var | lsl.Node: ... @abstractproperty def observed_value(self) -> Array: ... @abstractproperty def parameters(self) -> list[str]: ... @abstractproperty def hyper_parameters(self) -> list[str]: ... class NonlinearPSpline(Term): """ Group of nodes for a univariate nonlinear PSpline. This Pspline assumes B-spline bases of order 3 and a second-order random walk prior for smoothness. The null space of the prior penalty matrix is completely removed, such that the PSpline contains no constant and no linear trend. .. warning:: Even though the null space is removed, this does not mean that the PSpline cannot contain a linear effect given observed covariate values. This is the case for example, if the covariate is not uniformly distributed. In this case, it is possible for the PSpline to contain a linear effect, even though the null space is removed. To fully remove the linear effect, the linear part would need to be removed manually. The PSpline's coefficient is reparameterized to have a standard normal prior. Parameters ---------- knots Knots of the B-spline basis functions. x Observed covariate values. scale Scale of the random walk prior. name Name of the group. """ def __init__(self, knots: Array, x: Array, scale: Var, name: str) -> None: self.scale = scale self._observed_value = x self.knots = knots basis = BSplineBasis(knots, x, order=3) pen = diffpen(ncol=basis.nparam, diff=2) Z = nullspace_remover(pen) Ltinv = cholesky_ltinv(Z.T @ pen @ Z) def basis_fn(x): basis = bspline_basis(x, knots=knots, order=3) return basis @ Z @ Ltinv basis = basis_fn(x) X = np.c_[np.ones_like(x), x] P = np.eye(X.shape[0]) - (X @ np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T) basis_p = P @ basis self.basis = Var(basis_p, name=f"{name}_basis") self.nparam = basis_p.shape[-1] prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Normal, loc=0.0, scale=1.0) self.coef = lsl.param( np.zeros(self.nparam), prior, name=f"{name}_coef_transformed" ) self.smooth = Var( ScaledBasisDot( x=self.basis, coef=self.coef, scale=self.scale, basis_fn=basis_fn ), name=f"{name}_smooth", ) scale_param = find_param(self.scale) self._hyper_parameters: list[str] = [] if scale_param is not None: self._hyper_parameters.append( super().__init__( name=name, smooth=self.smooth, basis=self.basis, coef=self.coef, scale=self.scale, ) self.mcmc_kernels: list[Kernel] = self._default_kernels() @classmethod def from_nparam( cls, x: Array, nparam: int, scale: Var, name: str ) -> NonlinearPSpline: knots = kn(x, order=3, n_params=nparam) return cls(knots, x, scale, name) @property def hyper_parameters(self) -> list[str]: return self._hyper_parameters @property def parameters(self) -> list[str]: return [] @property def value(self) -> Var: return self.smooth def predict( self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> Array: fx = self.smooth.predict(samples=samples, x=x) if center: fx = fx - fx.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) if scale: fx = fx / fx.std(axis=-1, keepdims=True) return fx def posterior_coef(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: calc = ScaledDot(self.basis.reparam_matrix, self.coef, self.scale) return calc.predict(samples) @property def observed_value(self) -> Array: return self._observed_value def summarise_by_quantiles( self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None, axis: Sequence[int] | int = (0, 1), lo: float = 0.1, hi: float = 0.9, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: x = x if x is not None else self.observed_value fx = self.predict(samples, x=x, center=center, scale=scale) df = summarise_by_quantiles(fx, axis=axis, lo=lo, hi=hi) df["x_value"] = np.asarray(jnp.squeeze(x)) df["name"] = return df def summarise_by_samples( self, key: KeyArray, samples: dict[str, Array], n: int = 100, x: Array | None = None, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: x = x if x is not None else self.observed_value fx = self.predict(samples, x=x, center=center, scale=scale) df = summarise_by_samples(key, fx, "value", n=n) x = jnp.squeeze(x) if jnp.atleast_1d(x).shape[-1] == 1: df[] = np.asarray(x) else: df[] = np.asarray(np.tile(x, n)) return df def _default_kernels(self) -> list[Kernel]: return [gs.NUTSKernel(self.parameters), gs.NUTSKernel(self.hyper_parameters)] def array_to_dict( x: Array, names_prefix: str = "x", prefix_1d: bool = False ) -> dict[str, Array]: """Turns a 2d-array into a dict.""" if isinstance(x, float) or x.ndim == 1: if prefix_1d: return {f"{names_prefix}0": x} else: return {names_prefix: x} elif x.ndim == 2: return {f"{names_prefix}{i}": x[:, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])} else: raise ValueError(f"x should have ndim <= 2, but it has x.ndim={x.ndim}") def bs( knots: Array, order: int = 3, Z: Array | None = None ) -> Callable[[Array], Array]: """Returns a function that evaluates the B-spline basis functions.""" if Z is None: nparam = len(knots) - order - 1 Z = jnp.eye(nparam, dtype=np.float32) def bs_(x: Array) -> Array: return bspline_basis(x, knots=knots, order=order) @ Z return bs_ def find_param(var: lsl.Var) -> lsl.Var | None: if var.parameter: if not var.strong: raise ValueError(f"{var} is marked as a parameter but it is not strong.") return var if not var.value_node.inputs: return None var_value_node = var.value_node.inputs[0] value_var = var_value_node.inputs[0].var return find_param(value_var)
[docs] class StructuredAdditiveTerm(Term): """ Term in a structured additive predictor. This term has the form ``basis_matrix @ coef_vector``, where ``coef_vector`` is equipped with a potentially singular multivariate normal prior, constructed using a penalty matrix ``K`` and a variance parameter ``tau2``. The user supplies a callable for the basis matrix, because this allows the class to easily evaluate the basis with manually chosen covariate values for predictions. Parameters ---------- x Covariate array. basis_fn A function that takes ``x`` and returns an array of basis function evaluations. K Penalty matrix. tau2 Variance parameter for the singular normal prior. name Unique name of the term. mcmc_kernel Kernel class to use by default. See Also -------- .bspline_basis : Evaluates B-spline basis functions. .kn : Creates equidistant knots. .diffpen : Evaluates a differences-penalty matrix. .sumzero_term : Reparameterization matrix for sum-to-zero constraint. .sumzero_coef : Reparameterization matrix for sum-to-zero constraint. .nullspace_remover : Reparameterization matrix for sum-to-zero constraint. Examples -------- In this example, we define a P-spline term using B-spline bases and a second-order random walk penalty matrix. We reparameterize both the basis and the penalty matrix ``K`` to enforce a sum-to-zero constraint on the term:: import numpy as np import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd import liesel.model as lsl import liesel_ptm as ptm np.random.seed(2407) x = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=300) nparam = 10 knots =, n_params=nparam) Z = ptm.sumzero_term(ptm.bspline_basis(x, knots, 3)) K = Z.T @ ptm.diffpen(nparam, diff=2) @ Z def basis_fn(x): return ptm.bspline_basis(x, knots, 3) @ Z tau2 = ptm.VarWeibull(10.0, scale=0.05, name="tau2") term = ptm.StructuredAdditiveTerm( x=x, basis_fn=basis_fn, K=K, tau2=tau2, name="my_term" ) """ def __init__( self, x: Array, basis_fn: Callable[[Array], Array], K: Array, tau2: lsl.Var, name: str, mcmc_kernel: Kernel = gs.NUTSKernel, ) -> None: self._default_kernel = mcmc_kernel self.x = lsl.obs(x, name=f"{name}_covariate") """Covariate node.""" self.basis_fn = jnp.vectorize(basis_fn, signature="(n)->(n,p)") """Basis function.""" self.basis = lsl.Data(basis_fn(x), _name=f"{name}_basis") """Basis matrix node.""" self.K = lsl.Data(K, _name=f"{name}_K") """Penalty matrix node.""" self.tau2 = tau2 """Variance parameter node.""" self.evals = jnp.linalg.eigvalsh(K) self.rank = lsl.Data(jnp.sum(self.evals > 0.0), _name=f"{name}_K_rank") _log_pdet = jnp.log(jnp.where(self.evals > 0.0, self.evals, 1.0)).sum() self.log_pdet = lsl.Data(_log_pdet, _name=f"{name}_K_log_pdet") prior = lsl.Dist( MultivariateNormalDegenerate.from_penalty, loc=0.0, var=tau2, pen=self.K, rank=self.rank, log_pdet=self.log_pdet, ) self.nparam = jnp.shape(K)[-1] start_value = jnp.zeros(self.nparam) self.coef = lsl.param(start_value, prior, name=f"{name}_coef") """Coefficient node.""" self.smooth = Var(Dot(self.basis, self.coef), name=f"{name}_smooth") """Smooth node.""" tau2_param = find_param(self.tau2) self._hyper_parameters: list[str] = [] if tau2_param is not None: self._hyper_parameters.append( self._parameters: list[str] = [] super().__init__( name=name, smooth=self.smooth, basis=self.basis, x=self.x, coef=self.coef, tau2=self.tau2, K=self.K, rank=self.rank, log_pdet=self.log_pdet, ) self.mcmc_kernels: list[Kernel] = self._default_kernels() """ List of :class:`liesel.goose.kernel.Kernel` MCMC kernel classes. These kernels are used when setting up a :class:`liesel.goose.EngineBuilder` with :meth:`.ptm_ls.PTMLocScale.setup_engine_builder`. """
[docs] @classmethod def pspline( cls, x: Array, nparam: int, tau2: lsl.Var | Var, name: str ) -> StructuredAdditiveTerm: """ Alternative constructor for quickly setting up a P-spline. Parameters ---------- x Covariate array. nparam Number of parameters for the P-spline. tau2 Variance parameter for the singular normal prior. name Unique name of the term. """ knots = kn(x, order=3, n_params=nparam) basis = bspline_basis(x, knots, order=3) K = diffpen(nparam) Z = sumzero_term(basis) Kz = Z.T @ K @ Z basis_fn = bs(knots, order=3, Z=Z) star = cls(x, basis_fn, Kz, tau2, name) return star
def _default_kernels(self) -> list[Kernel]: kernels: list[Kernel] = [] kernels.append(self._default_kernel([])) if not self.hyper_parameters: return kernels if self.tau2.has_dist: if self.tau2.dist_node.distribution is tfd.InverseGamma: transition_fn = ig_gibbs_transition_fn(self, var_name="tau2") name = kernels.append(gs.GibbsKernel([name], transition_fn)) else: tau2_param = find_param(self.tau2) if tau2_param is not None: kernels.append(gs.NUTSKernel([])) return kernels @property def value(self) -> Var: """Evaluation of this term.""" return self.smooth
[docs] def predict( self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> Array: """ Computes predicted values given an array of posterior samples. Can be thought of as the sum of the predictions for the individual terms obtained with :meth:`.StructuredAdditiveTerm.predict_elementwise`. Parameters ---------- samples Array of posterior samples. x Array of covariate values. center Whether to center the predictions. scale Whether to scale the predictions. Returns ------- Array of prediction values. """ fx = self.smooth.predict(samples=samples, x=self.basis_fn(x)) if center: fx = fx - fx.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) if scale: fx = fx / fx.std(axis=-1, keepdims=True) return fx
@property def observed_value(self) -> Array: """Array of observed ``x`` values.""" return self.x.value @property def parameters(self) -> list[str]: """List of parameter names associated with this term.""" return self._parameters @property def hyper_parameters(self) -> list[str]: """List of hyperparameter names associated with this term.""" return self._hyper_parameters
[docs] def summarise_by_quantiles( self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None, axis: Sequence[int] | int = (0, 1), lo: float = 0.1, hi: float = 0.9, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Computes a posterior summary for this term based on quantiles. Parameters ---------- samples Array of posterior samples. x Array of covariate values. axis Indicates the axes of ``samples`` that index the posterior samples. lo Probability level for lower quantile to include in summary. hi Probability level for upper quantile to include in summary. center Whether to center the predictions. scale Whether to scale the predictions. indices If not None, only the columns of ``x`` with these indices are used. """ x = x if x is not None else self.observed_value fx = self.predict(samples, x=x, center=center, scale=scale) df = summarise_by_quantiles(fx, axis=axis, lo=lo, hi=hi) df["x_value"] = np.asarray(jnp.squeeze(x)) df["name"] = return df
[docs] def summarise_by_samples( self, key: KeyArray, samples: dict[str, Array], n: int = 100, x: Array | None = None, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Computes a posterior summary for this term based on a subsample from the posterior. Parameters ---------- key A ``jax.random.PRNGKey`` for reproducibility. samples Array of posterior samples. n The number of samples to draw. x Array of covariate values. center Whether to center the predictions. scale Whether to scale the predictions. indices If not None, only the columns of ``x`` with these indices are used. """ x = x if x is not None else self.observed_value fx = self.predict(samples, x=x, center=center, scale=scale) df = summarise_by_samples(key, fx, "value", n=n) x = jnp.squeeze(x) if jnp.atleast_1d(x).shape[-1] == 1: df[] = np.asarray(x) else: df[] = np.asarray(np.tile(x, n)) return df
[docs] class PSpline(StructuredAdditiveTerm): """ A P-spline with second-order random walk prior. Parameters ---------- x Covariate array. nparam Number of parameters for the P-spline. tau2 Variance parameter for the singular normal prior. name Unique name of the term. """ def __init__(self, x: Array, nparam: int, tau2: lsl.Var | Var, name: str) -> None: knots = kn(x, order=3, n_params=nparam) basis = bspline_basis(x, knots, order=3) K = diffpen(nparam) Z = sumzero_term(basis) Kz = Z.T @ K @ Z basis_fn = bs(knots, order=3, Z=Z) super().__init__(x, basis_fn, Kz, tau2, name)
[docs] class RandomIntercept(StructuredAdditiveTerm): """ A random intercept with iid normal prior in noncentered parameterization. """ def __init__(self, x: Array, tau: lsl.Var, name: str) -> None: self.label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() self.x = lsl.obs(x, name=f"{name}_covariate") self.basis_fn = self.label_binarizer.transform self.basis = lsl.Data(self.basis_fn(x), _name=f"{name}_basis") self.tau = tau self.nparam = self.basis.value.shape[-1] prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Normal, loc=0.0, scale=1.0) self.coef = lsl.param(np.zeros(self.nparam), prior, name=f"{name}_coef") self.smooth = Var( ScaledDot(x=self.basis, coef=self.coef, scale=self.tau), name=f"{name}_smooth", ) tau_param = find_param(self.tau) self._hyper_parameters: list[str] = [] if tau_param is not None: self._hyper_parameters.append( self._parameters: list[str] = [] super(StructuredAdditiveTerm, self).__init__( name=name, smooth=self.smooth, basis=self.basis, x=self.x, coef=self.coef, tau=self.tau, ) self._default_kernel = gs.NUTSKernel self.mcmc_kernels: list[Kernel] = self._default_kernels() def _default_kernels(self) -> list[Kernel]: kernels: list[Kernel] = [] kernels.append(self._default_kernel([])) if not self.hyper_parameters: return kernels tau_param = find_param(self.tau) if tau_param is not None: kernels.append(gs.NUTSKernel([])) return kernels
[docs] @classmethod def pspline(cls, x: Array, nparam: int, tau2: lsl.Var | Var, name: str): raise NotImplementedError
class RandomInterceptSumZero(RandomIntercept): def __init__(self, x: Array, tau: lsl.Var, name: str) -> None: self.label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() self.x = lsl.obs(x, name=f"{name}_covariate") nparam = self.label_binarizer.transform(x).shape[-1] K = jnp.eye(nparam) Z = sumzero_coef(nparam) Kz = Z.T @ K @ Z self.nparam = Kz.shape[-1] self.basis_fn = lambda x: self.label_binarizer.transform(x) @ Z self.basis = lsl.Data(self.basis_fn(x), _name=f"{name}_basis") self.tau = tau self.evals = jnp.linalg.eigvalsh(Kz) self.rank = lsl.Data(jnp.sum(self.evals > 0.0), _name=f"{name}_K_rank") _log_pdet = jnp.log(jnp.where(self.evals > 0.0, self.evals, 1.0)).sum() self.log_pdet = lsl.Data(_log_pdet, _name=f"{name}_K_log_pdet") prior = lsl.Dist( MultivariateNormalDegenerate.from_penalty, loc=0.0, var=tau, pen=Kz, rank=self.rank, log_pdet=self.log_pdet, ) self.coef = lsl.param(np.zeros(self.nparam), prior, name=f"{name}_coef") self.smooth = Var( ScaledDot(x=self.basis, coef=self.coef, scale=self.tau), name=f"{name}_smooth", ) tau_param = find_param(self.tau) self._hyper_parameters: list[str] = [] if tau_param is not None: self._hyper_parameters.append( self._parameters: list[str] = [] super(StructuredAdditiveTerm, self).__init__( name=name, smooth=self.smooth, basis=self.basis, x=self.x, coef=self.coef, tau=self.tau, ) self._default_kernel = gs.NUTSKernel self.mcmc_kernels: list[Kernel] = self._default_kernels() class MISpline(StructuredAdditiveTerm): def __init__( self, x: Array, nparam: int, tau2: lsl.Var, name: str, mcmc_kernel: Kernel = gs.NUTSKernel, ) -> None: self._default_kernel = mcmc_kernel self.x = lsl.obs(x, name=f"{name}_covariate") knots = kn(x, order=3, n_params=nparam) basis = bspline_basis(x, knots=knots, order=3) cumsum_matrix = np.tril(np.ones((nparam, nparam))) basis_cumsum = basis @ cumsum_matrix colmeans = basis_cumsum.mean(axis=0) def basis_fn(x): basis = bspline_basis(x, knots=knots, order=3) cumsum_matrix = np.tril(np.ones((nparam, nparam))) basis_cumsum = basis @ cumsum_matrix return basis_cumsum - colmeans self.basis_fn = jnp.vectorize(basis_fn, signature="(n)->(n,p)") self.basis = lsl.Data(basis_fn(x), _name=f"{name}_basis") K = diffpen(nparam, diff=1) self.K = lsl.Data(K, _name=f"{name}_K") self.tau2 = tau2 self.evals = jnp.linalg.eigvalsh(K) self.rank = lsl.Data(jnp.sum(self.evals > 0.0), _name=f"{name}_K_rank") _log_pdet = jnp.log(jnp.where(self.evals > 0.0, self.evals, 1.0)).sum() self.log_pdet = lsl.Data(_log_pdet, _name=f"{name}_K_log_pdet") prior = lsl.Dist( MultivariateNormalDegenerate.from_penalty, loc=0.0, var=tau2, pen=self.K, rank=self.rank, log_pdet=self.log_pdet, ) self.nparam = jnp.shape(K)[-1] start_value = jnp.zeros(self.nparam) self.coef = lsl.param(start_value, prior, name=f"{name}_coef") self.exp_coef = lsl.Var( lsl.Calc(jnp.exp, self.coef), name=f"{name}_exp_coef" ).update() self.smooth = Var(IncDot(self.basis, self.exp_coef), name=f"{name}_smooth") tau2_param = find_param(self.tau2) self._hyper_parameters: list[str] = [] if tau2_param is not None: self._hyper_parameters.append( self._parameters: list[str] = [] super(StructuredAdditiveTerm, self).__init__( name=name, smooth=self.smooth, basis=self.basis, x=self.x, coef=self.coef, exp_coef=self.exp_coef, tau2=self.tau2, K=self.K, rank=self.rank, log_pdet=self.log_pdet, ) self.mcmc_kernels: list[Kernel] = self._default_kernels() class StrAT(StructuredAdditiveTerm): pass class S(StructuredAdditiveTerm): pass
[docs] class LinearTerm(Term): """ Linear function of one or more covariates. Parameters ---------- x Covariate array. name Unique name of the covariate term. prior Joint prior distribution for the regression coefficients. If ``None``, uses\ a constant prior. """ def __init__(self, x: Array, name: str, prior: lsl.Dist | None = None) -> None: x = _matrix(x) self.x: lsl.Var = lsl.obs(x, name=f"{name}_covariate") """Covariate node.""" self.nparam = self.x.value.shape[1] self.coef: lsl.Var = lsl.param( np.zeros(self.nparam), prior, name=f"{name}_coef" ) """Regression coefficient node. Initialized with zeros.""" self.smooth: lsl.Var = Var(Dot(self.x, self.coef), name=f"{name}_smooth") """Node for the evaluated linear term ``x @ coef``.""" self._nuts_params = [] super().__init__(name=name, smooth=self.smooth, x=self.x, coef=self.coef) self.mcmc_kernels: list[Kernel] = [] """ List of :class:`liesel.goose.kernel.Kernel` MCMC kernel classes. These kernels are used when setting up a :class:`liesel.goose.EngineBuilder` with :meth:`.ptm_ls.PTMLocScale.setup_engine_builder`. """ self.mcmc_kernels.append(gs.NUTSKernel([])) self._parameters: list[str] = [] self._hyper_parameters: list[str] = [] @property def nuts_params(self) -> list[str]: warnings.warn( "nuts_params is deprecated. Use parameters and hyper_parameters instead.", FutureWarning, ) return self._nuts_params @property def parameters(self) -> list[str]: """List of parameter names associated with this term.""" return self._parameters @property def hyper_parameters(self) -> list[str]: """List of hyperparameter names associated with this term.""" return self._hyper_parameters @property def value(self) -> Var: """Evaluation of this term.""" return self.smooth
[docs] def predict( self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> Array: """ Computes predicted values given an array of posterior samples. Can be thought of as the sum of the predictions for the individual terms obtained with :meth:`.predict_elementwise`. Parameters ---------- samples Array of posterior samples. x Array of covariate values. center Whether to center the predictions. scale Whether to scale the predictions. Returns ------- Array of prediction values. """ fx = self.smooth.predict(samples=samples, x=x) if center: fx = fx - fx.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) if scale: fx = fx / fx.std(axis=-1, keepdims=True) return fx
[docs] def predict_elementwise( self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, ) -> Array: """ Computes predicted values given an array of posterior samples. Can be thought of as the individual terms in :meth:`.predict`. Parameters ---------- samples Array of posterior samples. x Array of covariate values. indices Sequence of indices, indicating which elements of ``x`` to return \ predictions for. If ``None`` predictions are returned for all covariates. center Whether to center the predictions. scale Whether to scale the predictions. Returns ------- Array of prediction values. """ x = x if x is not None else self.observed_value x = _matrix(x) if indices is not None: if not len(indices): raise ValueError("indices must be None or a sequence of integers.") x = x[..., indices] samples[] = samples[][..., indices] fx = self.smooth.predict_elementwise(samples=samples, x=x) if center: fx = fx - fx.mean(axis=-2, keepdims=True) if scale: fx = fx / fx.std(axis=-2, keepdims=True) return fx
[docs] def summarise_by_quantiles( self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None, axis: Sequence[int] | int = (0, 1), lo: float = 0.1, hi: float = 0.9, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Computes a posterior summary for this term based on quantiles. Parameters ---------- samples Array of posterior samples. x Array of covariate values. axis Indicates the axes of ``samples`` that index the posterior samples. lo Probability level for lower quantile to include in summary. hi Probability level for upper quantile to include in summary. center Whether to center the predictions. scale Whether to scale the predictions. indices If not None, only the columns of ``x`` with these indices are used. """ x = x if x is not None else self.observed_value x = _matrix(x) if indices is not None: if not len(indices): raise ValueError("indices must be None or a sequence of integers.") x = x[..., indices] samples[] = samples[][..., indices] fx = self.predict_elementwise(samples, x=x, center=center, scale=scale) df_list = [] for k in range(x.shape[-1]): df = summarise_by_quantiles(fx[..., k], axis=axis, lo=lo, hi=hi) df["x_value"] = x[..., k] df["name"] = df["id"] = f"{}[{k}]" df["id_index"] = k df_list.append(df) return pd.concat(df_list).reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def summarise_by_samples( self, key: KeyArray, samples: dict[str, Array], n: int = 100, x: Array | None = None, center: bool = False, scale: bool = False, indices: Sequence[int] | None = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Computes a posterior summary for this term based on a subsample from the posterior. Parameters ---------- key A ``jax.random.PRNGKey`` for reproducibility. samples Array of posterior samples. n The number of samples to draw. x Array of covariate values. center Whether to center the predictions. scale Whether to scale the predictions. indices If not None, only the columns of ``x`` with these indices are used. """ x = x if x is not None else self.observed_value x = _matrix(x) if indices is not None: if not len(indices): raise ValueError("indices must be None or a sequence of integers.") x = x[..., indices] samples[] = samples[][..., indices] fx = self.predict_elementwise(samples, x=x, center=center, scale=scale) df_list = [] for k in range(x.shape[-1]): key, subkey = jax.random.split(key) df = summarise_by_samples(subkey, fx[..., k], "fx_value", n=n) if jnp.atleast_1d(x[..., k]).shape[-1] == 1: df["x_value"] = x[..., k] else: df["x_value"] = np.tile(x[..., k], n) df["name"] = df["id"] = f"{}[{k}]" df["id_index"] = k df_list.append(df) return pd.concat(df_list).reset_index(drop=True)
@property def observed_value(self) -> Array: """Array of observed ``x`` values.""" return self.x.value
class LinearSmooth(LinearTerm): """Alias for :class:`.LinearTerm` for backwards-compatibility.""" pass class Intercept(Term): def __init__(self, name: str, distribution: lsl.Dist | None = None) -> None: self.intercept = lsl.Var(value=0.0, distribution=distribution, name=name) self._nuts_params = [] super().__init__(name=name, intercept=self.intercept) @property def nuts_params(self) -> list[str]: warnings.warn( "nuts_params is deprecated. Use parameters and hyper_parameters instead.", FutureWarning, ) return self._nuts_params @property def hyper_parameters(self) -> list[str]: return [] @property def parameters(self) -> list[str]: return [] @property def value(self) -> Var: return self.intercept def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array], x: Array | None = None) -> Array: return samples[] @property def observed_value(self) -> Array: return jnp.array(1.0) def addition(*args, **kwargs): return sum(args) + sum(kwargs.values())
[docs] class Predictor(lsl.Var): """ Organizes the terms of a structured additive predictor. Parameters ---------- name Name of the predictor. See Also -------- .StructuredAdditiveTerm : Term in a structured additive predictor. .LinearTerm : Linear term. .RandomIntercept : Random intercept term. Examples -------- Terms must be added to the predictor using the ``+=`` syntax:: import liesel_ptm as ptm import numpy as np x = np.linspace(size=10) predictor = ptm.Predictor(name="pred") predictor += ptm.LinearSmooth(x, name="term1") Terms can be accessed using both bracket- and dot-syntax, using the names of the terms:: predictor["term1"] predictor.term1 """ def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(lsl.Calc(addition), name=name) self.terms: dict[str, Term] = {} """Dictionary of terms in this predictor.""" self.intercept: Intercept | None = None """Intercept variable (if any)."""
[docs] @classmethod def with_intercept(cls, name: str): """Alternative constructor for initializing the predictor with an intercept.""" predictor = cls(name) intercept = Intercept(f"{name}_intercept") return predictor + intercept
def __add__(self, other: Term) -> Predictor: self.value_node.add_inputs(other.value) self.terms[] = other if isinstance(other, Intercept): if self.intercept is not None: raise ValueError(f"Intercept already present on {self}.") self.intercept = other return self.update() def __iadd__(self, other: Term) -> Predictor: self.value_node.add_inputs(other.value) self.terms[] = other if isinstance(other, Intercept): if self.intercept is not None: raise ValueError(f"Intercept already present on {self}.") self.intercept = other return self.update() def __getitem__(self, name) -> Term: return self.terms[name] def __getattr__(self, name) -> Term: if name.startswith("__"): # ensures, for example, that copying works. raise AttributeError try: return self.terms[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) @property def nuts_params(self) -> list[str]: """ (Deprecated) List of parameters to be sampled via the No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS). """ warnings.warn( "nuts_params is deprecated. Use parameters and hyper_parameters instead.", FutureWarning, ) param_generator = (term.nuts_params for term in self.terms.values()) return list(chain.from_iterable(param_generator)) @property def parameters(self) -> list[str]: """ Collects the names of the parameters in this predictor and returns them in a list. """ param_generator = (term.parameters for term in self.terms.values()) return list(chain.from_iterable(param_generator)) @property def hyper_parameters(self) -> list[str]: """ Collects the names of the hyperparameters in this predictor and returns them in a list. """ param_generator = (term.hyper_parameters for term in self.terms.values()) return list(chain.from_iterable(param_generator))
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array], **kwargs) -> Array: """ Returns predicted values for this predictor. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. **kwargs Covariate values at which to evaluate the predictor. Supplied in the form ``name=value``, where ``name`` is the name of a term in the predictor, and ``value`` is the covariate value at which this term should be evaluated to enter the predictor. Returns ------- Array of predicted values. """ term_predictions = [] for name, term in self.terms.items(): if self.intercept is not None and name == continue prediction = term.predict(samples, x=kwargs.pop(name)) term_predictions.append(prediction) if self.intercept is not None: term_predictions.append(np.atleast_3d(samples[])) return sum(term_predictions)
def ig_gibbs_transition_fn( group: lsl.Group, var_name: str = "tau2" ) -> Callable[[KeyArray, gs.ModelState], dict[str, Array]]: """ Gibbs transition function for an inverse smoothing parameter with an inverse gamma prior. """ var = group[var_name] a = var.dist_node.kwinputs["concentration"] b = var.dist_node.kwinputs["scale"] for hyper_param in [a, b]: try: if hyper_param.parameter: raise ValueError( f"{hyper_param} is marked as parameter, but this function assumes" " it to be fixed." ) except AttributeError: pass a_prior = a.value b_prior = b.value K = group["K"].value rank = group["rank"].value a_gibbs = jnp.squeeze(a_prior + 0.5 * rank) assert group["coef"] def transition(prng_key, model_state): coef = group.value_from(model_state, "coef") b_gibbs = jnp.squeeze(b_prior + 0.5 * (coef @ K @ coef)) draw = b_gibbs / jax.random.gamma(prng_key, a_gibbs) return { draw} return transition
[docs] class VarInverseGamma(Var): """ A variable with an inverse gamma prior. Parameters ---------- value Initial value of the variable. concentration Concentration parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``a``. scale Scale parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``b``. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable will be transformed using the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. """ def __init__( self, value: float, concentration: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, scale: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, name: str, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ) -> None: try: = f"{name}_scale" # type: ignore except AttributeError: scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") try: = f"{name}_concentration" # type: ignore except AttributeError: concentration = lsl.Data(concentration, _name=f"{name}_concentration") prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.InverseGamma, concentration=concentration, scale=scale) super().__init__(value, prior, name=name) self.parameter = True self.update() val = self.value log_prob = self.log_prob self.transformed: Var | None = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.transform(bijector) self.transformed.update() self.update() val = self.transformed.value log_prob = self.transformed.log_prob assert jnp.isfinite(val) assert jnp.isfinite(log_prob)
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the variable is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: return self.value_node.function(samples[]) return samples[]
[docs] class ScaleInverseGamma(Var): """ A variable with an inverse gamma prior on its square. Parameters ---------- value Initial value of the variable. concentration Concentration parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``a``. scale Scale parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``b``. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable will be transformed using the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. Notes ----- The variable itself is weak, meaning that it is always defined as a deterministic function of a random variable, in this case the square root. This random variable is available as :attr:`.variance_param`. If a bijector is supplied, this bijector is applied to :attr:`.variance_param`, such that :attr:`.variance_param` becomes weak, too, and the random variable is given by :attr:`.transformed`. """ def __init__( self, value: float, concentration: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, scale: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, name: str, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ) -> None: if isinstance(scale, float): scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") else: = f"{name}_scale" if isinstance(concentration, float): concentration = lsl.Data(concentration, _name=f"{name}_concentration") else: = f"{name}_concentration" prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.InverseGamma, concentration=concentration, scale=scale) self.variance_param = Var(value, prior, name=f"{name}2") """Variance parameter node.""" self.variance_param.parameter = True super().__init__(lsl.Calc(jnp.sqrt, self.variance_param), name=name) self.transformed = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" self.update() val = self.variance_param.value log_prob = self.variance_param.log_prob if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.variance_param.transform(bijector) self.transformed.update() self.variance_param.update() self.update() val = self.transformed.value log_prob = self.transformed.log_prob assert jnp.isfinite(val) assert jnp.isfinite(log_prob)
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the variance parameter is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: samps = samples[] variance_samples = self.variance_param.value_node.function(samps) return self.value_node.function(variance_samples) variance_samples = samples[] return self.value_node.function(variance_samples)
[docs] class VarHalfCauchy(Var): """ A variance parameter with a half Cauchy prior on its square root. Parameters ---------- value Initial value of the variable. scale Scale parameter of the half Cauchy distribution. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable will be transformed using the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. Notes ----- Note that the half Cauchy prior is placed not directly on the variance parameter, but on the standard deviation, i.e. the square root of the variance. Futher, the standard deviation is transformed to the positive real line for MCMC sampling using a bijector, which defaults to softplus. """ def __init__( self, value: Array, scale: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, name: str, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ) -> None: if isinstance(scale, float): scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") else: = f"{name}_scale" loc = lsl.Data(0.0, _name=f"{name}_loc") prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.HalfCauchy, loc=loc, scale=scale) self.scale_param = Var(jnp.sqrt(value), prior, name=f"{name}_root") """The scale parameter (if any).""" self.scale_param.parameter = True self.transformed = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" var_calc = lsl.Calc(jnp.square, self.scale_param) super().__init__(var_calc, name=name) self.update() val = self.scale_param.value log_prob = self.scale_param.log_prob if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.scale_param.transform(bijector) self.transformed.update() self.scale_param.update() self.update() val = self.transformed.value log_prob = self.transformed.log_prob assert jnp.isfinite(val) assert jnp.isfinite(log_prob)
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the scale variable is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: samps = samples[] scale_samples = self.scale_param.value_node.function(samps) return self.value_node.function(scale_samples) scale_samples = samples[] return self.value_node.function(scale_samples)
class VarHalfNormal(Var): """ A variance parameter with a half normal prior on its square root. Parameters ---------- value Initial value of the variable. scale Scale parameter of the half Cauchy distribution. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable will be transformed using the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. Notes ----- Note that the half normal prior is placed not directly on the variance parameter, but on the standard deviation, i.e. the square root of the variance. Futher, the standard deviation is transformed to the positive real line for MCMC sampling using a bijector, which defaults to softplus. """ def __init__( self, value: Array, scale: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, name: str, low: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node = 0.0, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ) -> None: if isinstance(scale, float): scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") else: = f"{name}_scale" if isinstance(low, float): low = lsl.Data(low, _name=f"{name}_low") else: = f"{name}_low" loc = lsl.Data(0.0, _name=f"{name}_loc") prior = lsl.Dist( tfd.TruncatedNormal, loc=loc, scale=scale, low=low, high=jnp.inf ) self.scale_param = Var(jnp.sqrt(value), prior, name=f"{name}_root") """The scale parameter (if any).""" self.scale_param.parameter = True self.transformed = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" var_calc = lsl.Calc(jnp.square, self.scale_param) super().__init__(var_calc, name=name) self.update() val = self.scale_param.value log_prob = self.scale_param.log_prob if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.scale_param.transform(bijector) self.transformed.update() self.scale_param.update() self.update() val = self.transformed.value log_prob = self.transformed.log_prob assert jnp.isfinite(val) assert jnp.isfinite(log_prob) def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the scale variable is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: samps = samples[] scale_samples = self.scale_param.value_node.function(samps) return self.value_node.function(scale_samples) scale_samples = samples[] return self.value_node.function(scale_samples)
[docs] class ScaleHalfCauchy(Var): """ A scale parameter with a half Cauchy prior. Parameters ---------- value Initial value of the variable. scale Scale parameter of the half Cauchy distribution. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable will be transformed using the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. """ def __init__( self, value: Array, scale: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, name: str, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ) -> None: if isinstance(scale, float): scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") else: = f"{name}_scale" loc = lsl.Data(0.0, _name=f"{name}_loc") prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.HalfCauchy, loc=loc, scale=scale) super().__init__(value, prior, name=name) self.parameter = True self.transformed = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" val = self.value log_prob = self.log_prob if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.transform(bijector) self.transformed.update() self.update() val = self.transformed.value log_prob = self.transformed.log_prob assert jnp.isfinite(val) assert jnp.isfinite(log_prob)
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the variable is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: return self.value_node.function(samples[]) return samples[]
[docs] class VarWeibull(Var): """ A variable with a Weibull prior. Parameters ---------- value Initial value of the variable. concentration Concentration parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``a``. scale Scale parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``b``. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable will be transformed using the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. """ def __init__( self, value: Array, scale: float | lsl.var | lsl.Node, name: str, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ): if isinstance(scale, float): scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") else: = f"{name}_scale" concentration = lsl.Data(0.5, _name=f"{name}_concentration") prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Weibull, concentration=concentration, scale=scale) super().__init__(value, prior, name=name) val = self.value log_prob = self.log_prob self.parameter = True self.transformed = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.transform(bijector) self.transformed.update() self.update() val = self.transformed.value log_prob = self.transformed.log_prob assert jnp.isfinite(val) assert jnp.isfinite(log_prob)
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the variable is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: return self.value_node.function(samples[]) return samples[]
[docs] class ScaleWeibull(Var): """ A variable with a Weibull prior on its square. Parameters ---------- value Initial value of the variable. concentration Concentration parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``a``. scale Scale parameter of the inverse gamma distribution.\ In some parameterizations, this parameter is called ``b``. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable will be transformed using the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. Notes ----- The variable itself is weak, meaning that it is always defined as a deterministic function of a random variable, in this case the square root. This random variable is available as :attr:`.variance_param`. If a bijector is supplied, this bijector is applied to :attr:`.variance_param`, such that :attr:`.variance_param` becomes weak, too, and the random variable is given by :attr:`.ScaleWeibull.transformed`. """ def __init__( self, value: Array, scale: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node, name: str, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ): if isinstance(scale, float): scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") else: = f"{name}_scale" concentration = lsl.Data(0.5, _name=f"{name}_concentration") prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Weibull, concentration=concentration, scale=scale) self.variance_param = Var(value, prior, name=f"{name}2") self.variance_param.parameter = True super().__init__(lsl.Calc(jnp.sqrt, self.variance_param), name=name) self.update() self.transformed = None val = self.variance_param.value log_prob = self.variance_param.log_prob if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.variance_param.transform(bijector) self.transformed.update() self.variance_param.update() self.update() val = self.transformed.value log_prob = self.transformed.log_prob assert jnp.isfinite(val) assert jnp.isfinite(log_prob)
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the variance parameter is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: samps = samples[] variance_samples = self.variance_param.value_node.function(samps) return self.value_node.function(variance_samples) variance_samples = samples[] return self.value_node.function(variance_samples)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shape parameter # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def cumsum_leading_zero(exp_shape: Array) -> Array: """Cumulative sum with a leading zero.""" zeros_shape = jnp.shape(exp_shape)[:-1] + (1,) exp_shape = jnp.concatenate((jnp.zeros(zeros_shape), exp_shape), axis=-1) return jnp.cumsum(exp_shape, axis=-1) def sfn(exp_shape): order = 3 p = jnp.shape(exp_shape)[-1] + 1 outer_border = exp_shape[..., jnp.array([0, -1])] / 6 inner_border = 5 * exp_shape[..., jnp.array([1, -2])] / 6 middle = exp_shape[..., 2:-2] summed_exp_shape = ( outer_border.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) + inner_border.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) + middle.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) ) return (1 / (p - order)) * summed_exp_shape def normalization_coef(shape: Array, dknots: Array) -> Array: exp_shape = jnp.exp(shape) cumsum_exp_shape = cumsum_leading_zero(exp_shape) coef = (dknots / sfn(exp_shape)) * cumsum_exp_shape return coef class ShapeParam(lsl.Var): def __init__(self, nparam: int, scale: ExpParam, name: str = "") -> None: pen = diffpen(nparam, diff=1) Z = sumzero_coef(nparam) Ltinv = cholesky_ltinv(Z.T @ pen @ Z) nparam_reparameterized = Ltinv.shape[-1] prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Normal, loc=0.0, scale=1.0) self.shape_reparam = lsl.param( np.zeros(nparam_reparameterized), prior, name=f"{name}_transformed" ) self.transformation_matrix = Z @ Ltinv self.shape_calc = ScaledDot( x=lsl.Data(self.transformation_matrix, _name="Z_Ltinv"), coef=self.shape_reparam, scale=scale, ) super().__init__(self.shape_calc, name=name) self.transformed_name = class PSplineCoef(lsl.Var): def __init__(self, nparam: int, tau2: Var, diff: int = 2, name: str = "") -> None: pen = diffpen(nparam, diff=diff) Z = sumzero_coef(nparam) pen_z = Z.T @ pen @ Z nparam_reparameterized = pen_z.shape[-1] prior = lsl.Dist( MultivariateNormalDegenerate.from_penalty, loc=0.0, var=tau2, pen=pen_z, ) self.shape_reparam = lsl.param( np.zeros(nparam_reparameterized, dtype=np.float32), prior, name=f"{name}_transformed", ) self.transformation_matrix = Z self.shape_calc = Dot( x=lsl.Data(self.transformation_matrix, _name="Z"), coef=self.shape_reparam, ) super().__init__(self.shape_calc, name=name) self.transformed_name = class PSplineCoefUnconstrained(lsl.Var): """Alternative for the ``PSplineCoef`` shape parameter variable.""" def __init__(self, nparam: int, tau2: Var, diff: int = 2, name: str = "") -> None: pen = diffpen(nparam, diff=diff) prior = lsl.Dist( MultivariateNormalDegenerate.from_penalty, loc=0.0, var=tau2, pen=pen, ) self.shape_reparam = lsl.param( np.zeros(nparam), prior, name=f"{name}_transformed" ) self.transformation_matrix = np.eye(nparam) self.shape_calc = Dot( x=lsl.Data(self.transformation_matrix, _name="Z"), coef=self.shape_reparam, ) super().__init__(self.shape_calc, name=name) self.transformed_name = class NormalCoef(lsl.Var): """Alternative for the ``PSplineCoef`` shape parameter variable.""" def __init__(self, nparam: int, tau2: Var, name: str = "") -> None: pen = jnp.eye(nparam) nparam_reparameterized = pen.shape[-1] prior = lsl.Dist( MultivariateNormalDegenerate.from_penalty, loc=0.0, var=tau2, pen=pen, ) self.shape_reparam = lsl.param( np.zeros(nparam_reparameterized), prior, name=f"{name}_transformed" ) self.transformation_matrix = pen self.shape_calc = Dot( x=lsl.Data(self.transformation_matrix, _name="Z"), coef=self.shape_reparam, ) super().__init__(self.shape_calc, name=name) self.transformed_name =
[docs] class SymmetricallyBoundedScalar(Var): """ Class for defining a scalar :math:`\\omega` with symmetrically bounded support around 1. With this class, the support of this scalar is :math:`\\omega \\in [1 - d, 1 + d]`. The scalar itself is specified as :math:`\\omega = 1 + d(1 - 2\\nu)`, where :math:`\\nu \\sim \\text{Beta}(a, b)`. This ensures that the boundaries of support are enforced. Parameters ---------- allowed_dist_from_one The allowed distance from 1, which is written as :math:`d` in the description\ above. name Name of the variable. a, b Parameters :math:`a, b` of the beta prior for the variable :math:`\\nu`. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable :math:`\\nu` will be transformed using\ the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. """ def __init__( self, allowed_dist_from_one: float, name: str = "", a: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node = 15.0, b: float | lsl.Var | lsl.Node = 15.0, bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Sigmoid(), ) -> None: if isinstance(a, float): a = lsl.Data(a, _name=f"{name}_a") else: = f"{name}_a" if isinstance(b, float): b = lsl.Data(b, _name=f"{name}_b") else: = f"{name}_b" self.a = a self.b = b self.allowed_dist_from_one = allowed_dist_from_one prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Beta, concentration1=a, concentration0=b) self.unit_var = Var(0.5, prior, name=f"{name}_unit") """The variable :math:`\\nu \\sim \\text{Beta}(a, b)`.""" self.unit_var.parameter = True def compute_scaling_factor(unit_var): return 1.0 + allowed_dist_from_one * (1 - 2 * unit_var) super().__init__(lsl.Calc(compute_scaling_factor, self.unit_var), name=name) self.transformed = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.unit_var.transform(bijector) self.unit_var.update() self.update()
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the variable is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: samps = samples[] unit_samples = self.unit_var.value_node.function(samps) else: unit_samples = samples[] return self.value_node.function(unit_samples)
def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"{type(self).__name__}({self.allowed_dist_from_one}, a={self.a.value}," f" b={self.b.value})" )
[docs] class TransformedVar(Var): """ Class for defining a possibly transformed variable. Parameters ---------- value The value of the variable. prior The probability distribution of the variable. name Name of the variable. bijector A tensorflow bijector instance.\ If a bijector is supplied, the variable :math:`\\nu` will be transformed using\ the bijector.\ This renders the variable itself weak, meaning that it is a deterministic\ function of the newly created transformed variable. The prior is transferred\ to this transformed variable and transformed according to the \ change-of-variables theorem. """ def __init__( self, value: float, prior: lsl.Dist | None = None, name: str = "", bijector: tfb.Bijector | None = tfb.Softplus(), ) -> None: super().__init__(value, prior, name=name) self.parameter = True self.transformed = None """The transformed variable (if any).""" if bijector is not None: self.transformed = self.transform(bijector) self.update()
[docs] def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: """ Returns posterior samples of this variable. If the variable is transformed using a bijector, this method automatically takes care of applying the bijector to the transformed samples. Parameters ---------- samples Dictionary with arrays of posterior samples. Returns ------- Array of posterior samples. """ if self.transformed is not None: samps = samples[] return self.value_node.function(samps) return samples[]
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}()"
class TruncatedNormalOmega(TransformedVar): def __init__( self, value: Array = 1.0, loc: Array = 1.0, scale: Array = 0.1, low: Array = 0.01, high: Array = jnp.inf, name: str = "", ) -> None: if isinstance(scale, float): scale = lsl.Data(scale, _name=f"{name}_scale") else: = f"{name}_scale" if isinstance(low, float): low = lsl.Data(low, _name=f"{name}_low") else: = f"{name}_low" if isinstance(high, float): high = lsl.Data(high, _name=f"{name}_high") else: = f"{name}_high" if isinstance(loc, float): loc = lsl.Data(loc, _name=f"{name}_loc") else: = f"{name}_loc" prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.TruncatedNormal, loc=loc, scale=scale, low=low, high=high) super().__init__(value, prior, name=name, bijector=tfb.Softplus()) class ConstantPriorScalingFactor(Var): def __init__( self, value: float = 1.0, name: str = "scaling_factor", bijector: tfb.Bijector = tfb.Softplus(), ) -> None: self.transformed = lsl.Var(bijector.inverse(value), name=f"{name}_transformed") self.transformed.parameter = True super().__init__(lsl.Calc(bijector.forward, self.transformed), name=name) self.update() def predict(self, samples: dict[str, Array]) -> Array: samps = samples[] return self.value_node.function(samps) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}()"