Source code for liesel_ptm.datagen

from import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd
from scipy import stats

from . import ptm_ls as lstm4
from .bsplines import kn
from .custom_types import Array, KeyArray
from .nodes import BSplineBasis, cholesky_ltinv, diffpen, sumzero_coef
from .tam import (

class ShapeParamSample:
    sample: Array
    latent_sample: Array
    Z: Array
    Ltinv: Array
    scale: float

[docs] def sample_shape( prng_key: KeyArray, nshape: int, scale: float = 1.0 ) -> ShapeParamSample: """ Draws a random sample of the shape parameters :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\delta}` from a first order random walk prior. Parameters ---------- prng_key A ``jax.random.PRNGKey`` for reproducibility. nshape Number of shape parameters. scale Scale of the random walk in the shape parameter's prior. """ pen = diffpen(nshape, diff=1) Z = sumzero_coef(nshape) Ltinv = cholesky_ltinv(Z.T @ pen @ Z) shape_z = ( tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0) .sample(Ltinv.shape[0], seed=prng_key) .astype(jnp.float32) ) shape = scale * (Z @ Ltinv @ shape_z) return ShapeParamSample(shape, shape_z, Z, Ltinv, scale)
class DataGenerator: """Fundamental functionality for data-generating process.""" ncov = 1 @staticmethod def cov1_linear(x: Array, b: float = 1.0) -> Array: """Linear function.""" return b * x @staticmethod def cov2_ushaped(x: Array) -> Array: """ Roughly u-shaped function with an overall increasing trend. """ return x + ((2 * x) ** 2) / 5.5 @staticmethod def cov3_oscillating(x: Array) -> Array: """Oscillating function with an overall decreasing trend.""" return -x + np.pi * np.sin(np.pi * x) @staticmethod def cov4_bell(x: Array) -> Array: """ Function that is based on the normal PDF, but a bit twisted. """ return 0.5 * x + 15 * stats.norm.pdf(2 * (x - 0.2)) - stats.norm.pdf(x + 0.4) @staticmethod def sample_z(key: KeyArray, nobs: int) -> Array: """Draws samples from standard normal distribution.""" return jax.random.normal(key, shape=(nobs,)) @staticmethod def sample_covariates( key: KeyArray, nobs: int, ncov: int, minval: float = -2.0, maxval: float = 2.0 ) -> Array: """Draws uniform samples and standardizes them afterwards.""" x = jax.random.uniform(key, shape=(nobs, ncov), minval=minval, maxval=maxval) x_centered = x - jnp.mean(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) x_std = x_centered / jnp.std(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) return jnp.squeeze(x_std) @staticmethod def array_to_dict(x: Array, names_prefix: str = "x") -> dict[str, Array]: """Turns a 2d-array into a dict.""" if isinstance(x, float) or x.ndim == 1: return {f"{names_prefix}0": x} elif x.ndim == 2: return {f"{names_prefix}{i}": x[:, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])} else: raise ValueError(f"x should have ndim <= 2, but it has x.ndim={x.ndim}") def loc(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: raise NotImplementedError def scale(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: raise NotImplementedError def transformation_inverse(self, z: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: raise NotImplementedError def transformation(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: raise NotImplementedError def transformation_deriv(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: return jnp.diag(jax.jacobian(self.transformation)(y, x)) def cdf(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: z = self.transformation(y, x) return tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0).cdf(z) def log_prob(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: z = self.transformation(y, x) deriv = jnp.maximum(self.transformation_deriv(y, x), 1e-30) return tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0).log_prob(z) + jnp.log(deriv) def pdf(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: return jnp.exp(self.log_prob(y, x)) def quantile(self, q: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: """Percent point function; inverse cdf.""" z = tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0).quantile(q) y = self.transformation_inverse(z, x) return y def sample(self, key: KeyArray, nobs: int) -> dict[str, Array]: k1, k2 = jax.random.split(key) z = self.sample_z(k1, nobs) x = self.sample_covariates(k2, nobs, ncov=self.ncov) y = self.transformation_inverse(z, x) data = self.array_to_dict(x) data["y"] = y data["z"] = z data["zt"] = self.scale(x) * z + self.loc(x) fx = self.array_to_dict(self.loc(x), names_prefix="fx") data |= fx return data class ExponentialDataGen(DataGenerator): """Data generating process based on the exponential quantile function.""" ncov = 1 def loc(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: return self.cov4_bell(x) def scale(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: return 1.0 def transformation_inverse(self, z: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) zt = scale * z + loc normalized = (zt + 8) / 16 return tfd.Exponential(rate=1.0).quantile(normalized) def transformation(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: normalized = tfd.Exponential(rate=1.0).cdf(y) zt = 16 * normalized - 8 scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) z = (zt - loc) / scale return z class ExpLogitDGPBase(DataGenerator): def loc(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: return self.cov4_bell(x) def scale(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: return 1.0 def transformation_inverse(self, z: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) zt = scale * z + loc normalized = jax.scipy.special.expit(zt) return tfd.Exponential(rate=1.0).quantile(normalized) def transformation(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: normalized = tfd.Exponential(rate=1.0).cdf(y) zt = jax.scipy.special.logit(normalized) scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) z = (zt - loc) / scale return z class TAMLocScaleDataGen(DataGenerator): def __init__( self, ymin: float, ymax: float, shape: Array, ngrid: int = 200, tol: float = 1e-4, maxiter: int = 200, loc_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] | None = None, scale_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] | None = None, ncov: int = 0, ) -> None: self.ygrid = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, ngrid) self.nparam = np.shape(shape)[-1] + 1 self.basis =, nparam=self.nparam, centered=True) self.tol = tol self.maxiter = maxiter self.shape = shape self.ncov = ncov self._loc_fn = loc_fn self._scale_fn = scale_fn def loc(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: if self._loc_fn is None: return 0.0 if x is None: raise ValueError("No covariate values specified.") return self._loc_fn(x) def scale(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: if self._scale_fn is None: return 1.0 if x is None: raise ValueError("No covariate values specified.") latent_scale = self._scale_fn(x) assert np.all(latent_scale > 0.0) return latent_scale def normalization(self, y: Array) -> Array: return normalization_fn(self.basis, y, self.shape) @staticmethod def _element_i(x, i): try: return x[i] except (IndexError, TypeError): return x def transformation_inverse(self, z: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) def _h_inv(zi, loc, scale): return inverse_transformation_fn( zi, self.basis, loc, scale, self.shape, tol=self.tol, maxiter=self.maxiter, ) y = np.atleast_1d(np.empty(z.shape)) try: idxs = range(x.shape[0]) # type: ignore except AttributeError: try: idxs = range(z.shape[0]) except (AttributeError, IndexError): idxs = range(1) for i in idxs: loci = self._element_i(loc, i) scalei = self._element_i(scale, i) zi = self._element_i(z, i) y[i] = np.squeeze(_h_inv(zi, loci, scalei).x) return y def transformation(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: zt = self.normalization(y) scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) z = (zt - loc) / scale return z def transformation_deriv(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: scale = self.scale(x) return jnp.squeeze(transformation_fn_deriv(self.basis, y, scale, self.shape)) def sample(self, key: KeyArray, nobs: int) -> dict[str, Array]: k1, k2 = jax.random.split(key, 2) basis = self.basis x = self.sample_covariates(k1, nobs, ncov=self.ncov) loc = self.loc(x) scale = self.scale(x) zmin = transformation_fn(basis, basis.min, loc, scale, self.shape) zmax = transformation_fn(basis, basis.max, loc, scale, self.shape) dist = tfd.TruncatedNormal( loc=0.0, scale=1.0, low=zmin.astype(np.float32), high=zmax.astype(np.float32), ) if self.ncov > 0: z = jnp.squeeze(dist.sample(1, seed=k2)) else: z = jnp.squeeze(dist.sample(nobs, seed=k2)) y = self.transformation_inverse(z, x) data = dict() data["y"] = y data["zt"] = scale * z + loc data["z"] = z data["log_prob"] = self.log_prob(y, x) data["pdf"] = np.exp(data["log_prob"]) data["cdf"] = self.cdf(y, x) data["latent_loc"] = jnp.squeeze(loc) data["latent_scale"] = jnp.squeeze(scale) data["x"] = x return data @staticmethod def to_df(data: dict[str, Array]) -> pd.DataFrame: x = data.pop("x") if x is not None: data |= DataGenerator.array_to_dict(x) return pd.DataFrame(data)
[docs] class PTMLocScaleDataGen(DataGenerator): """ Draws random samples from a location-scale transformation model. Parameters ---------- shape A vector of shape parameters :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\delta}` used to define the transformation function. loc_fn A function taking in a 2d array of covariates, returning a 1d array of locations. scale_fn A function taking in a 2d array of covariates, returning a 1d array of scales. ncov An integer, giving the number of covariates to generate. zmin, zmax Lower and upper boundary knot locations, respectively. use_norm_at_zero If ``True``, the transformation function is shifted such that :math:`h(0)=0` \ before inversion. Should be kept this way, this option exists mainly for \ testing purposes. Examples -------- Example without covariates:: >>> import liesel_ptm as ptm >>> import jax >>> key1 = jax.random.PRNGKey(21) >>> key2 = jax.random.PRNGKey(42) >>> shape = ptm.sample_shape(key1, nshape=10, scale=0.5).sample >>> dg = ptm.PTMLocScaleDataGen(shape=shape) >>> sample = dg.sample(key2, nobs=10) >>> sample_df = dg.to_df(sample) >>> sample_df[["y", "pdf"]].head() y pdf 0 -2.283257 0.087928 1 0.430342 0.645286 2 0.091028 0.449210 3 0.552843 0.651007 4 0.443428 0.648257 Example with one covariate, using the same shape:: >>> dg = ptm.PTMLocScaleDataGen(shape=shape, loc_fn=lambda x: 1.5*x, ncov=1) >>> sample = dg.sample(key2, nobs=10) >>> sample_df = dg.to_df(sample) >>> sample_df[["y", "pdf"]].head() """ def __init__( self, shape: Array, loc_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] | None = None, scale_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] | None = None, ncov: int = 0, zmin: float = -2.5, zmax: float = 2.5, use_norm_at_zero: bool = True, ) -> None: self.nparam = np.shape(shape)[-1] + 1 self.knots: Array = kn(np.array([zmin, zmax]), order=3, n_params=self.nparam) """Knots of the transformation function's spline segment.""" self.shape = shape """Shape parameters :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\delta}`.""" dknots = jnp.diff(self.knots).mean() self.slope_coef = lstm4.normalization_coef(shape, dknots) self.ncov = ncov self._loc_fn = loc_fn self._scale_fn = scale_fn dist = tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0) alpha = 0.0001 z = dist.quantile(np.linspace(alpha, 1.0 - alpha, 1000)) z = z / z.std() # stabilizes the scale to exactly 1 normalization = lstm4.NormalizationFn(self.knots, order=3) if use_norm_at_zero: self._norm_at_zero = normalization( np.zeros(1), self.slope_coef, jnp.zeros(1), jnp.ones(1) ) else: self._norm_at_zero = np.zeros(1) zt = normalization.inverse(z, self.slope_coef, self._norm_at_zero, jnp.ones(1)) self._norm_inv_mean = zt.mean(keepdims=True) self._norm_inv_scale = zt.std(keepdims=True)
[docs] def loc(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: """Location function.""" if self._loc_fn is None and x is None: return jnp.full((1,), 0.0) if self._loc_fn is None and x is not None: return jnp.full((x.shape[0],), 0.0) if x is None: raise ValueError("No covariate values specified.") loc = self._loc_fn(x) # type: ignore assert loc.shape[0] == x.shape[0] return loc
[docs] def scale(self, x: Array | None) -> Array: """Scale function.""" if self._scale_fn is None and x is None: return jnp.full((1,), 1.0) if self._scale_fn is None and x is not None: return jnp.full((x.shape[0],), 1.0) if x is None: raise ValueError("No covariate values specified.") latent_scale = self._scale_fn(x) # type: ignore assert np.all(latent_scale > 0.0) assert latent_scale.shape[0] == x.shape[0] return latent_scale
[docs] def normalization(self, y: Array) -> Array: """Normalization function :math:`h(\\varepsilon)`.""" normalization = lstm4.NormalizationFn(self.knots, order=3) z = normalization(y, self.slope_coef, self._norm_at_zero, jnp.ones(1)) return z
@staticmethod def _element_i(x, i): try: return x[i] except (IndexError, TypeError): return x
[docs] def normalization_inv(self, z: Array) -> Array: """Inverse of the normalization function.""" normalization = lstm4.NormalizationFn(self.knots, order=3) zt = normalization.inverse(z, self.slope_coef, self._norm_at_zero, jnp.ones(1)) return zt
[docs] def transformation_inverse(self, z: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: """ Inverse of the full transformation function, including the scale and location parts. That is, let :math:`s(y|\\boldsymbol{x}) = (y - \\mu(\\boldsymbol{x})) / \\sigma(\\boldsymbol{x})` and :math:`g = h \\circ s`. This method here evaluates :math:`g^{-1}(z | \\boldsymbol{x})`. """ z = jnp.atleast_1d(z) scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) zt = (self.normalization_inv(z) - self._norm_inv_mean) / self._norm_inv_scale y = scale * zt + loc return y
[docs] def transformation(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: """ Full transformation function, including the scale and location parts. That is, let :math:`s(y|\\boldsymbol{x}) = (y - \\mu(\\boldsymbol{x})) / \\sigma(\\boldsymbol{x})` and :math:`g = h \\circ s`. This method here evaluates :math:`g(y | \\boldsymbol{x})`. """ scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) pre_std = (y - loc) / scale std = self._norm_inv_scale * pre_std + self._norm_inv_mean z = self.normalization(std) return z
[docs] def transformation_deriv(self, y: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> Array: """ Derivative of the full transformation function, including the scale and location parts. That is, let :math:`s(y|\\boldsymbol{x}) = (y - \\mu(\\boldsymbol{x})) / \\sigma(\\boldsymbol{x})` and :math:`g = h \\circ s`. This method evaluates :math:`\\frac{\\partial g(y | \\boldsymbol{x})}{\\partial y}`. """ scale = self.scale(x) loc = self.loc(x) pre_std = (y - loc) / scale std = self._norm_inv_scale * pre_std + self._norm_inv_mean normalization = lstm4.NormalizationFn(self.knots, order=3) deriv = ( self._norm_inv_scale * normalization.deriv(std, self.slope_coef, jnp.ones(1)) / scale ) return jnp.squeeze(deriv)
[docs] def sample(self, key: KeyArray, nobs: int) -> dict[str, Array]: """ Draws random samples from the transformation model implied by :attr:`.shape`, :meth:`.loc`, and :meth:`.scale`. If location and/or scale functions were defined, samples covariate values first using :meth:`.sample_covariates`, then samples response values. Parameters ---------- key A ``jax.random.PRNGKey`` for reproducibility. nobs Number of samples to draw Returns ------- A dictionary, holding the samples in the key ``"y"`` and the sampled covariates in ``"x"``, next to more information about the samples. """ k1, k2 = jax.random.split(key, 2) x = self.sample_covariates(k1, nobs, ncov=self.ncov) dist = tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0) z = jnp.squeeze(dist.sample(nobs, seed=k2)) y = self.transformation_inverse(z, x) loc = self.loc(x) scale = self.scale(x) data = dict() data["y"] = y data["y_std"] = (y - loc) / scale data["z"] = z data["z_deriv"] = self.transformation_deriv(y, x) data["log_prob"] = self.log_prob(y, x) data["pdf"] = np.exp(data["log_prob"]) data["cdf"] = self.cdf(y, x) data["loc"] = loc data["scale"] = scale data["x"] = x data["std_log_prob"] = data["log_prob"] + jnp.log(scale) data["std_pdf"] = np.exp(data["std_log_prob"]) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def to_df(data: dict[str, Array]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Takes a data dictionary as returned by :meth:`.sample` and turns it into a ``pandas.DataFrame``. """ x = data.pop("x") if x is not None: data |= DataGenerator.array_to_dict(x) return pd.DataFrame(data)
[docs] def dfgrid(self, z: Array, x: Array | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Evaluates a number of quantities given fitting arrays of ``z`` and ``x``. The quantities include evaluations of the cumulative distribution function, the probability density, and the transformation inverse. Parameters ---------- z Array of observations of :math:`h(\\varepsilon)`. x Array of covariate observations. """ y = self.transformation_inverse(z, x=x) transformation_deriv = self.transformation_deriv(y, x=x) log_prob = self.log_prob(y, x=x) loc = self.loc(x) scale = self.scale(x) std_log_prob = log_prob + jnp.log(scale) std_pdf = np.exp(std_log_prob) data = dict( y=y, y_std=(y - loc) / scale, z=z, z_deriv=transformation_deriv, log_prob=log_prob, pdf=np.exp(log_prob), cdf=self.cdf(y, x=x), loc=jnp.squeeze(loc), scale=jnp.squeeze(scale), std_log_prob=std_log_prob, std_pdf=std_pdf, ) if x is not None: data |= self.array_to_dict(x) return pd.DataFrame(data)
def example_data(seed: int, n: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Quickly creates an example dataframe for demonstrating the use of a penalized transformation model. """ key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed) k1, k2 = jax.random.split(key) shape = sample_shape(k1, nshape=8, scale=0.5).sample dg = PTMLocScaleDataGen( shape, loc_fn=lambda x: x, scale_fn=lambda x: jnp.exp(x), ncov=1 ) sample = dg.sample(k2, nobs=n) df = dg.to_df(sample) return df